Chapter 11

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Nobles POV

I wake up to the sun shining brightly on my face and a warm ball of fluff cuddled against me. I smile to myself when I realize that the little ball of fluff is actually Cloud. Slowly sitting up and putting a pillow in my place as to not wake her, I get out of bed and do my morning routine.

When I'm done with all that I notice Cloud is still asleep so decide to head down to the kitchen to make her some food. I get out all the ingredients to make blueberry pancakes and bacon. My favorite. I just hope Cloud likes it too. Shaking my head I focus on the bacon and flip it over with oven mitts on my hand. Why you may ask, well let me tell you. Do you know how much it hurts to have grease drops flying out of the pan and landing on you. Not to mention hot grease. So ya, I were oven mitts while making making as so not feel the small bursts of pain that come with cooking something so delicious.

Anyway, after a while I finally finish and add two plates full of food on a small tray before pouring two glasses of apple juice. I don't know about you, but I can't stand the taste of any other juice. After placing the two cups down on the tray, I head up to my room and see Cloud still sleeping.

God I hate to wake her but I don't want her to miss breakfast. Deciding it would be better to wake her up later would result in the food getting cold and not all cold food tastes good. So I gently shakes her awake before softly petting her as she blinked the sleep away from her eyes.

"I made some breakfast little one. Blueberry pancakes with bacon. It's my favorite so I hope you like it just as much." I tell her before sitting down and placing her on my lap. After she's comfortable I grabbed the tray, which I had set down on the nightstand when I went to wake her, and grabbed her plate before slowly feeding her. I guess she must have really liked it for she went to my plate and ate all of that too. I guess I'll just skip breakfast then. And then she even drank all my apple juice too! Sighing I skate my head before laughing.

Softly laughing, I put all the dishes on the the tray and grabbed Cloud before making my way to the kitchen.

Once there I place all the dishes in the sink and set Cloud on the counter.

"Ok girl. I'm just gunna wash the dishes and then we can relax the rest of the day. I don't feel like doing any watching so we'll probably just watch Disney movies or something sound good?" I asked and received and confused nod in return. I guess she doesn't know what movies are either. Oh well, she'll find out how enjoyable watching movies are.

Washing the dishes as fast as I could, I started think what movies she would like. How about the new Jungle Book that just came out. And after that we'll watch The Lion King. And then we'll go from there.

Bringing myself out of my thoughts I saw that the dishes were done. Nodding to myself about how fast I got them done, I grabbed Cloud before heading to the theater room.

I opened the door and walked to the front before setting Cloud on the softest couch we had, before going and grabbing The Lion King first. I decided that she should watch the best Disney movie out there first before going on to others. Putting the disk in, I hurried back to my seat after grabbing a whole bunch of blankets and pillows and made a little nest like thing.

Together we cuddled and watched one of my all time favorite Disney movies. She cried when Simbas dad died and growled at Scar for killing him. The movie just sent her into an emotional state. Her emotions running wild and changing after every little thing. But in the end she was happy to know that Simba beat Scar and saved the pride lands.

After a whole day of watching movies and pigging out on snacks I brought, we fell asleep during the new Beauty and the Beast. I don't know how long we were out for until we, more like me, were shook awake by Holly.

"Alpha, I found out some news about our little omega here. Can we take outside so we don't wake her up?" She asked. I nodded, still tired, before slowly getting up and following her.

"What did you find out?" I asked.

"Well you see, her real name is Zoey Nightwalker. She's the daughter of the Alpha of the Bloodsky pack. She's the daughter of Ace Nightwalker and Felly Sphare (pronounced Sa-Far). Her mother died while giving birth resulting in a c-section having to take place. After the death of his wife, Ace became a blood thirsty animal. He didn't care who you were or what, he would kill you if you were in his way. He wiped out over 16 packs that we know of and is said to have kept all omegas separate from the rest of the pack. Supposably he sells them to a breeding company for were's when they reach of age if there girls. I don't know how much of this is true but the council can't really do anything because there's no solid proof about whether this happened or not." She slowly explained.

I say there stunned. So my little omega is actually the daughter of one of the most powerful packs behind my own. This is going to be more trouble then I thought. If this Ace guy finds out I have her, there could be war. But if I can get Clou- Zoey to shift, maybe we can get her to tell the council before he finds out. Then he can go to jail. 

"Holly, call the council and tell them we might have the proof they've been looking for." I said before turning back around and heading over to Zoey. Just the name dents shivers down my spine. This little omega just gets more and more interesting.

Hope y'all like it.

Luv u lots💜

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