Chaper 6

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Nobles POV

As soon as I hit the icy waters I knew I had to be quick. The wolf wasn't going to last long in these waters. Not to mentioned if it fit in that small ass bag, then it must be a pup. And you never abandon a pup in need.

Quickly coming up for air I looked around and spotted the bag just as a log it it sending it further down stream towards the rapids.

"Damn it!" I cursed shooting for awards in the water as I tried to catch up and grab the bag before it hit the rapids. Swimming as fast as I could, I caught the bag just as it hit the first rock making me panic. I quickly hauled it to me and pulled it close to my side.

"Please be ok. Please be ok." I mumbled over and over as I grabbed on to a rock and started to pull me and the bag out towards the banks of the river. I made sure to keep the bag out of the water as much as possible as to not injure it further. Keeping the bag close I crawled out of the icy waters while shivering. Even though I may be a werewolf, that doesn't mean I'm not effected by the cold and can't die from it. We don't produce tons of body heat like the wolves in twilight do. Don't ask about that. But we do produce a higher body temperature than normal humans.

Anyways as soon as I made it onto the bank I quickly opened the the bag to see a sopping wet bundle of fur. Pulling the wet fur out of the bag, I was happy to see I was right to assume it was a pup. Looking at it I could see that hit from the rock made the poor think fall unconscious and I could see a ton of open wounds on it. Who ever dumped this poor pup really wanted it dead. Shaking myself out of my thoughts I made sure it was still breathing.

Sighing in relief when the pup was in fact still breathing, I pulled it close and tried to keep it warm with the heat that was slowly rolling off of me. I was more focused on the pup I didn't even noticed when another car pulled up on the bridge nor did I noticed the rushing of foot steps towards me. I was solely focused on making sure this pup was as warm as can be. It was when a hand touched my shoulder that I realized there were other people there.

"Dude! What the hell! First you take my car and then when anyone tried to contact you, we got this deathly silence and feared the worse. So we searched around only to find you out here soaking wet and holding a bundle of wet fur! Do you even realize how worried everyone is!" My best friend asked me.

"Ya. Sorry." I say distracted as I pulled the pup even closer when it started shaking.

"Your not even paying attention! Why are you so obsessed over a piece of-" he was cut off when he got a closer look and noticed the bundle of fur was moving. "That's not just fur is it?" He asked.

"No it's a pup. Now we need to hurry and get it to the pack doctor. This pups life is in danger." I said standing up and heading towards the bridge.

"Ok fine but your going to ride with me. Your shivering and you can't drive with that in your hands so come on. Jasper can drive my car home." Rock said motioning to Jasper to drive his car that was still on. Oops.

I hurried over to the my car, that I'm guessing Rock took to drive, and climbed into the passenger seat. I buckled up and boasted the heat in the car as Rock took off towards the pack house.

"How did you even find the pup?" Rock said breaking the silence.

"I was driving around your car to make sure it worked and when I was driving over the bridge, I saw a guy dump a bag over the side of the bridge before driving away quite fast. I thought he was just littering at first so I slowly drove past and stopped when I noticed a weird smell in the air. It didn't smell like trash so I smelled again and noticed it smelt like wolf so I got out of the car and followed it over to the side of bridge before jumping over. I couldn't let someone die, much less a pup. So I managed to pull it out of the water before you came." I said recounting the story to him.

"That's fucked up. Why would someone dump a pup over a bridge for it to die. Some people are just really fucked up. Anyway we're here come on. I also mind linked the pack doctor so she's ready for the pup." He replied back.

Nodding I got out and hurried to the clinic part of the house. I got a bunch of weird looks as I rushed past pack member put I ignored them and slammed the door open to the clinic startling the pack doctor, Holly.

"I know your worried about the pup but please don't take it out in the door Alpha." Holly said taking the pup from my arms and heading into one of the exam rooms. As I tried to follow she turned around and held her hand up.

"Sorry Alpha but I can't let you in the room. No one besides doctors are allowed sorry." She said before heading in and closing the door behind here. Sighing I turned and sat in one of the waiting room seats. I just really hope that pup will be ok. I don't know why, but for some reason I feel attracted to it, like I need to protect it from everything that's to come.

What's going to come, I don't know.

Hey sorry things happened I got locked out and had to rewrite a bunch of chapters. I think I got hacked or something I don't know but I'm not done posting today. I'll don't 2-3 more chapters depending on how much you guys want me to post. Any who luv u lots💜

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