Chapter 3

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Another couple years later

So I've been here for a while and Zorark and Butch have helped me through some pretty tough times along with that kid Jesse, but for some reason, he left a few days ago and no ones seen him since. Not even his dad Jared. Who by the way is Mr. Meany Pants if you didn't know already. It surprised me greatly when Butch told me they were father and son. Like how can they be THAT different but still be related.

Anyway I was about to head to 'training' and today I had to go against a poodle and a beagle. Now I know your probably think, a poodle really you can't even fight a poodle how pathetic. Well you never meet Fefe. He's the definition of hell. They also hate me the most and I have no idea why. They always go over board and I end up having to get stitches somewhere and that hurts.

A sharp stinging on my back right paw had me retreating from my thoughts and looking over to see the dang poodle has gotten a hold of me again. Dang he keep going for that foot.

"Fefe stop. Your suppose to pin the stupid mutt not drag it around no matter how amusing that is. Do it right or no food for a week you stupid dog."Mr. Meany Pants said and Fefe growled at him.

"Ok that's enough for today. Well pick it up tomorrow." That evil guy, it got too tiring to say Mr. Meany Pants, said before turning around and motioning for his lackeys to lock us up while answering his phone that started to ring.

Once we get put up we go through the same routine we do everyday. I get splashed with freezing cold water to wash up before getting a small piece of raw meat.

But for some reason it was different today. As soon as we where locked up the boss came stomping out with a frustrated face and a couple of, what where those called again, oh ya, guns and started giving them to his lackeys but what had every dog here freeze before freaking out and trying to get out were the next words that left the evils mans mouth.

"Kill them all. Kill all the dogs. Jesse told the police and there coming here now. Wait get me that wolf pup." They quickly nodded at him before grabbing me and shoving me into the evil mans arms. "Good. Now finish them all off and grab all the money you can before booking it. Meet at the safe house. The one east from here in the mountains." Was all he said before turning around and the last thing I saw of my two first and only friends, were them getting shot in the head and falling in their crates. Their dying cry of pain echoing before it got cut off. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they where killed. My only friends killed before my very eyes.

I didn't react to anything after that. Not when I was shoved into the trunk of a car, not when it was shut and we were driving away and me flinging every which way. Not when we stopped and I was shoved in a bag with a brick in it. Not even when I was thrown over the bridge and into the river below. Getting swept away by the current.

The only thing going through my head was that the goddess really does despise me to make me live a life where I'm constantly beaten, and put up against other animals to fight. To make, no, force me to watch as my first and only friends died right in front of my eyes. There dying cries as they were killed echoing in my head.

I've lost everything. Well if you can say I had anything to be gain with. I lost everything or everyone important to me. My whole life is jacked up and wrong. And for once in my life I believe I didn't deserve this. Why did it have to be me. Why was I the one that ended up this way. Why did the moon goddess have to choose me out of all the pups in the world. Why can't I have a normal family. Have a normal life. Friends. Family. A life of my own. But no if I didn't then someone else would have to have gone through this so it's better me the them. After all I'm useless, unimportant.

And I'm grateful for the burning in my lungs. The way my heads swimming. The thought that I'll finally get some peace. The thought of freedom. Seeing my dead family. Being reunited with them. And Zorark and Butch. My first beloved friends.

For once in my life and wasn't  afraid of dying. In fact, I welcomed it. With big wide open arms. A big old smile threatening to rip my face in half.

I welcomed the darkness and breathed out my last watery breath. Looking forward to what's to come.

Hey guys sorry for taking to long but here ya go. Two chapters and I should have another maybe hopefully coming soon.

Anyways please show your support.


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MERRY CHRISTMAS (to those who celebrate it. If not ignore this message)

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