Chapter 16

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Zoeys POV

As Alpha Noble and the rest of his small but strong packed cleaned the house, I was sitting in the theater room curled up on a huge pile of blankets watching movies. But I wasn't alone, the few kids we have here were all in here as well watching the movies with me. They respected me enough as to not bother me except this one kid. But he was alright. I liked him. He told me his name is Jason and that he was going to be training to be a pack doctor. He told me how he couldn't keep up with the other kids because he was an omega. Just like me! Well, half omega anyways.

His parents were the head warriors but ended up dying leaving him all alone. He told me his dad had omega blood in him from his mother, while Jason's mom also had omega blood from her father. Even though they had omega blood, they weren't actually omegas but since they both had omega blood, it added up to make Jason half omega. So he isn't as small as me but he is smaller than the other wolves. He even showed me. Actually, we were all in our wolf form. They had all shifted to make me more comfortable since I couldn't shift back into my human form.

"Ok Zoey. It's your turn to pick a movie now, so what do you want to watch?" A kid named Elliot asked. He had stayed in human form saying he would be the one to switch the movies out seeing as he was the oldest.

I looked up at the TV and watched as he slowly went through the kid movies on something called Netflix. He would stop for a few seconds waiting for me to make a sound before moving on. After a little but he stopped on one that looked very interesting. I barked to show him I wanted to watch it so he put it on.

"I didn't even know they added this movie. Eva has been wanting to watch Moana for a while now." Elliot said while Eva, one of kids in here, said. I guess I should just help you and say that there are only 5 of us in here including me. The others names are Eva, Elliot, Jason, and Yugon. Yugon came from another pack from Japan so that's why he has a funny name. Anyway I tuned back into the movie to see a little girl helping a little baby sea turtle into the water. Awe.

*Magical time skip brought to you by one of Lucy's spirits.*

After a few more movies we were getting ready to put in another one when there was a knock at the door before it was pushed open. When it opened Alpha Noble stepped in making the other pups in the room stand an bow besides Jason who was sleeping in my nest with me. He was really warm and a really good pillow too.

"Hey guys none of that." Alpha Noble said coming into the room with 4 really big men following him. They made me feel slightly scared so I hide more into Jason's slightly bigger wolf.

"Pups, these are four of the ten council members that were coming to help within Zoeys case. Have you guys seen her?" Alpha Noble said confused looking around only seeing Jason's wolf and not my much smaller one under him.

"Ya she's in the best of blankets with Jason. But be quiet, he's sleeping." Elliot warned before leading the other pups out of the room, most likely to find there parents. Looking away from they door I see Alpha Noble and the four big men coming out way making me shake and hide even further in Jason's fluffy fur.

"It's ok Zoey. There here to help with dealing with your old pack. They won't hurt you I promise." Alpha Noble said whispering while crouching in front of me and Jason. Slowly I shakily made my out of the comforts of Jason's fur and into Alpha Nobles arms.

He gently picked me up before facing the big men. I looked at them and saw they all held a look of anger in there eyes but they were trying to hide it. Whimpering I hide my face in Alpha Nobles chest while shaking, making him sigh before gently petting me.

"There not anger at you Zoey. Just at your old pack. I already informed them if what we all know about you. There just here to help and take down that pack once and for all. They just wanted to see you and check for themselves." He explained still petting me. I slowly looked at them to see there anger wasn't pointed at me and that they were looking at me in sadness. They felt bad for me?

"What he says is true pup. We mean no harm to you, just to your old pack. They have violated many laws and made many treasons but with out proof we could never act until now. Your our proof into finally taking down that vile Alpha and helping the pack recover and function like a normal pack." One of the four big men said.

"Yes that's right. I'm Dane. The one that just spoke was my brother Sam. The other two are Caine and Francis." Another one of the big men said, pointing at each individual when he said there name. All the sudden we heard a yawn behind us and that's when I remembered Jason.

"That's Jason. He another omega, half omega sorry." Alpha Noble said before also picking up the slightly still asleep Jason.

"You know they thatsay half omegas have a tendency to find a full blood omega and become there protector. I think that's what happened to your little omega." Francis explained. I didn't even know that was possible.

"Really? I never knew that. I guess that's why there were cuddling when we walked in." Alpha Noble said smiling at a more awake Jason. "Your just always full of surprises aren't you two."

"Um, by any chance, would it be possible if I could hold the little omega pup." The smallest, but still huge, man said. I think his name was Sam.

Hey guys I know I said I was gunna finish it but again I had a ton of crap come up. Mostly for band(colorguard) and I just haven't had time all week. I have to go through the remaining chapter and basically rewrite the whole thing but of well. I'll have the rest up by the end of tonight.

Luv u lots💜

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