Chapter 15

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Third person

Violent scenes
Matured only scene
I'm warning you now. If you don't like this kind of stuff you can keep reading I'll just put up a sign when it starts and ends.

"I promise."

"Good, now enough of this mushy stuff let's get home. I'm starving." The women said wiping her tears and smiling a bright smile at the man.

"I bet, your eating for two. Dinner should be ready by the time we get home so the dinner we get there the faster you get to eat ok love?" The man encouraged. It was getting dark and he didn't want his pregnant mate to be out in the dark, no matter how safe he knew the lands were.

"Fine. Carry me. My feet hurt and I'm tired." The women complained to her mate. Said man just smiled and pick her up bridal style before taking off towards the pack house.

About half way there the man heard some noises from the forest. Almost like branches snapping under the weight of an animal. Deciding to just ignore the sound and assume that it was just a deer, the two continue there way home.

A few minutes later they both hear the same sound again, this time closer. That when the man gets a smell of rogues. His eyes widen before he looked down and locked eyes with his mate.

"You have to run. Keep out baby safe." The man spoke fast as he set down his mate and shifted into his pure back wolf. A rare wolf to have.

"No. I won't leave you to die. Besides we're surrounded anyway. I count 20. There no way you can take them all on by yourself." The women argued stubbornly while the man growled.

The bushed rustling interrupted the two as another almost pure black wolf stepped out along with 6 other wolves while the rest of the 14 wolves created a circle around us. There was no escaping these darn rogues, the man thought.

The almost black wolf suddenly shifted, revealing a man that looked almost identical to the man from before.

"Well hello there dear brother. Oh wait your know about this. Dear me I forgot. Well any ways, I guess I'll just have to tell you. Boo." The man said while fake pouting. Then, his whole attitude shifted. He looked ready to kill, thirsty for blood. A savage.

"A very long time ago, when our mother gave birth, she had a vision that one of her twin children would grow up to kill her and the whole pack. Eventually even the whole werewolf community. She saw evil in one of them. A great evil that needed to be extinguished. And you wanna know which child she choose. ME! MY OWN MOTHER CHOOSE TO KILL ME ALL BECAUSE I SMILED AT THE PAIN ON HER FACE! I WAS A SMALL CHILD! HOW WAS I SUPOSE TO KNOW SHE WAS IN PAIN! Ever since she threw me out, I've lived with a pack member that left after hearing around how there Luna was throwing out one of her own. He raised me like his own but he died. He was mauled to pieces by your pack warriors so I've come revenge. I'm going to tear your pack apart from the inside. Starting with that slit of a mate you have. You know, I always had a crush on her. When you two would walk around the city u would follow. And I ended up falling for her. Only to have my dreams crushed by the fact you two were mates. So I'm going to make you watch as I tear her apart and ripe that baby out of her. Then I'll kill the bay before dragging you back to watch your pack mates be slaughtered to pieces!" The evil man laughed.

⚠️⚠️⚠️Be warned skip if need be I'll tell you when it's over ⚠️⚠️⚠️

The two lovers could only watch in horror as all the wolves pounced at once. They managed to separate the and hold them down. The evil man had walked over to the women, a knife in his hand, before he slowly cut down the middle of her stomach. Her screams like music to the sick son of a bitch. All while doing this, the women's mate was bagging for him so stop. Screaming cuss words and profanities.

"Do you hear those screams. Oh how they turn me on. I'm a little horny now. You wouldn't mind if I had a go right. I bet you she's nice and tight after not being used into long." The vile man said unzipping his pants before shoving roughly into the women. He groaned deep down from inside his throat.

"Oh she's nice and tight all right." He moaned out before roughly and ruthlessly pounding into the women. The man begged for him to stop. After having shifted back when he first cut her stomach.

"Please! Just leave her alone! She didn't do anything! You can kill me just leave me and my pack alone!" The man tried begging. The vile man just ignored the other and continued until he released deep inside the poor women. Said women was crying as the pain over whelmed her senses.

"Now you know my pain. Now for the baby." The man said pulling out and reaching inside the women's insides before roping the baby out.

⚠️⚠️⚠️It's over now it's safe to read⚠️⚠️⚠️

"Awe look. It's a girl. Too bad she won't live long enough to see this messed up world." The man said before he lifted the already bloody knife, preparing to stab the child.

"WAIT!" The women's mate yelled. This actually caused the vile man to stop and look at the women mate.

"What do you want brother?" The vile man said, spatting out the word brother.

"I'll make you a deal. My life for hers. If you let her live you can kill me instead. And keep my pack out of it. You look just like me. You could probably go back to the pack and they'll think your me. They'll love you and treat you like family. Just kill me and let my baby girl live." The man pleased seeing as his wife was almost at deaths door. There was nothing that could save her now.

"Tempting. Fine. But I'm keeping the girl. And I'm gunna change your pack a bit to fit me more. I'll let you have your goodbyes. I do have a heart." The vile man said before motioning for the wolves holding the women's mate down, off.

He immediately ran to his mate dropping on his knees by her head.

"Love. It's me. Did you hear. We had a beautiful baby girl like guessed. I should have known, you were always right." The man said breaking down into tears.

"C-c-can I s-see her." The women stuttered. The man turned to his vile 'brother' who simple threw the bay toward them. The good man was able to catch her before any harm was done. Glaring at the vile man he handed his daughter to his mate.

"Oh love, Felly my love, look at how beautiful she is." The man said letting tarts of joy fall from his eyes. The women, now named Felly, nodded along.

"She is. Ace I'm so happy I was able to meet you and have such a beautiful child. I only wished we could have all been together. I want to name her Zoey Grace Nightwalker. I love you both. I hope to see you soon my love." Felly said, breathing out her last breath, before dying. The man, who has been named Ace, started crying while clutching both of his loved ones.

"How touching to bad this has to end. Such a shame too brother. But don't worry, I'll raise her so she'll never know who you are." The vile man said before breaking Aces neck. Killing him as well. The vile man smiled before he turned to the wolves that helped him.

"Thanks for all your help. Now you can go. Your loved ones are all in an underground cellar 40 miles east of here. Here's the keys. Now get off my land. And take this shameful man with you." The vile man snarled before turning around and picking up the women and child.

"From this day on, my name is now Ace Nightwalker. My mate died giving while in birth resulting in me having to do a C-section on her. I'm the Alpha of the Bloodsky pack. And I'm going to wipe out every pack and become king of werewolves."

WHHHAAAAATTT!!!! Wow ok. Shocking I know but it can't be one of my stories without a huge twister. Now you see why I added these chapters. Anyway. I'll update the rest of the chapter tomorrow but enjoy these two for now. Make sure you comment, tell me what u think I can do better or change.

Luv u lots💜

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