Chapter 18

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Zoeys POV

It's been about a week now since Alpha Noble declared war with my old pack. And to say I'm scared is an understatement. I'm petrified. I don't want them to get hurt on my account. The Bloodsky pack isn't someone to mess with. It's most certainly not a pack you want to fight. So ya, I'm scared there all gunna get hurt, or even worse, die all for me. It's not right, it's my problem to deal with so why should they have to fight. I debated running away but I just can't find the strength to.

"Zoey, I know you feel bad, I can see it in your eyes. There's no need for that though. We're not doing this because we're forced to, we're doing this because we all love you. We want to protect you. And that Alpha needs to be brought down. I promise nothing bad will happen to any of us, just as long as-"  Alpha Noble was cut off when Rocky came bursting into the room wide eyed. This can't be good.

"Noble! The Bloodsky pack has made there move. They've set fire to the eastern half of our land and are demanding Zoey back. What do you want us to do Alpha?" Rocky said panting. I looked over to Noble to see what he would say, and by that nasty, scary look on his face, I would say the Bloodsky pack are in for a treat.

"Evacuate all of those who can't fight and tell those who can to prepare. Does the council know?" He said in a scary calm voice.

"Yes sir. There on their way there now to meet with the rest of the council."

"Good. Now we can't have them out shine us in our own land, can we? Get the warriors and go. I'll meet you there after I take the others to the safe house." Alpha Noble orders.

"Alpha, that's not very smart. What if they attack you! You can't defend them all by yourself!" Rocky shouted. At this point I knew there was no way Alpha Noble would change his mind.

"If there attacking from the east, and the pack safe house is in the West, then I would say our chances of getting attacked are quite low. Now I have you an order. Follow it." Alpha Noble barked before picking me up and racing towards the backyard we're all the non warrior wolves were, ready to be led to the safe house. I looked around and saw Jason in the jaws of Holly's wolf, who had already shifted and was ready to go.

Following her example, Alpha Noble set me down before shifting and grabbing me by my scruff. He all the sudden took off, heading deep into the forest with the rest rolling jut as quickly.

Soon we came upon the safe house, which was more like a hidden cellar that went under the ground. Alpha Noble set me down before shifting and opening the caller doors, letting the other wolves run past.

"Ok Zoey. This is where I leave you. I'm going to leave you in the care of Holly while I go fight. Under no circumstances are you allowed to leave without me getting you." Alpha Noble said strictly before turning to Holly. "I trust everyone will be safe in your care. Now hurry on in and say quite. We don't know how far they'll come. Stay safe and I'll come get you all when it's over." With that, Alpha Noble pushed us in and locked the cellar shut.

"Come now pups, there no need to be afraid. Noble will protect us all along with the council. All we have to do is stay with the rest and be quite. Now come." Holly said after shifting back. Together we made our way to the others.

*magical time skip brought to you by Aladdin*

It's been a while since Alpha Noble left us here and it's been quite. You can't even here the wind howl anymore. But for me, everything's to loud. My bodies been slowly getting hotter and hotter with each minute that passed. And not to mention my insides feel like there on fire.

Finally after a little while, the pain got to much for me and I whimpered. Holly quickly looked at me before moving to sit next to me. Reaching a hand out, she placed it on me before quickly pulling it back.

"Zoey your overheating!" She whispered/yelled, attracting the attention of those near by. All the sudden a loud snap was heard followed by a cry of pain.

"Zoey! You have to try to keep quite. I think I know what's happening but you need to try to stay quite. Here bite of this, it'll muffle the sounds. Just try to relax and don't fight your body. You just finally shifting back into your human form. It's just going to be a bit painful since it's been so long. Just bear through ok. We're all here for you." She said before taking the belt another women had offered her, and sticking it in my mouth.

This goes on for a little while longer before a large amount of pain flooded my system, causing me to scream. The thing was, it wasn't a wolffish scream, it was a human scream. Does this mean it's over.

I didn't have much time to dwell on this those because the door to the cellar was suddenly ripped of and in came a huge group of nasty smelling rouges.

"Thanks for whoever screamed. If it wasn't for ya, we wouldn't have found ya ugly scraps of fur." An ugly wolf said after shifting. Oh no, because of me we're all gunna die. All because I could hold in my stupid cry of pain.

"What the hell do you want with us!" Holly screamed, standing in front of us all. I slowly pushed myself up with my arms as the man spoke.

"Oh, we only want to the girl. The little omega. Where is she anyways. Alphas pretty pissed at her. He wants his toy back." The revolting man said causing me to whimper. He quickly looked at me with an evil smirk before turning back to Holly.

"I found the mutt so just give her over. Well even let you all live!" The man said before breaking in a a crazy laugh.

"No way in hell! She's part of our pack now and you won't take her!" Jason said standing in front of me.

"Fine then, I guess we'll just have to fight for her won't we!" The man said before shifting and lunging at us.

That's all I can remember before my vision went red and hazy.

Kk. So I decided to split this chapter into two part. I'll have the next part up as soon as I can.

Luv u lots💜

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