Chapter 14

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17 years ago in the Bloodsky pack

Two overly cheerful people were walking down a trail that's runs through out the pack lands. They were holding hands and letting them swing softly between the two. The person on the right, the women, was noticeably pregnant and most likely to pop at any given moment. She had the most purple- reddish eyes ever to be seen. Her hair was a pale white as was her skin. She wasn't very tall, maybe 5'2. Many could mistake her for an albino person but she wasn't. In fact, she wasn't born with these unique traits. She acquired them when she got into a nasty accident, but that's to be acclaimed another time.

Taking a look at the person on the left, the girls right, you would see a man. He was tall. Standing at around 6'1, the man toward over the women. But she didn't seem scared, it was more like she trusted him with her life. And anyone looking could see why, despite his tall, muscular frame, he had a teddy bear look to him. He had the brown hair and brown eyes with the evenly tan skin look. They fit perfectly together. Just walking down the path like they did everyday while pointing out silly little things they notice. Like how one Cloud looks like a duck, or how a couple young deer were playing around.

"You know you really wouldn't be walking around like this love. You could trip and fall. What about the baby? Your ready to poo at any given moment. I don't want you or the baby to get hurt. I don't know what I would do with out you!" The man said to his lover. He seem to be crying, the worry over losing one of his loved ones great. The women, who seemed to be mates with the man, just laughs and gently wiped away his tears.

"I know if I fall you'll be there to catch me. You always are. I trust you. Now it's your turn to have trust in me. Come on the waterfall is just up ahead. I'll stop and rest there ok baby." The women reasoned with the man. The man  just sighed before nodding. The two then slowly started making there way to said waterfall.

"Every time we come here it just takes my breath away. I remember when we were still so young and stumbled across this place. You know what you said to me back then?" The women started.

"I said, wow this view just takes my breath away." The man said smiling fondly at the women.

"And I remember agreeing. But when I turned to look at you, I found you looking at me and not the view."

"I said, the only way this view could get any better was if the waterfall was half as beautiful as you. And I still think that to this day. Your the most beautifulest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. On our third date here, I rennet us going to the top of the waterfall before proposing to you."

"When you asked me that, I was at a loss for words. I rennet crying and saying yes over and over agin. If I had to go back and change anything, I would have changed the way we did things after." The women said with amusement in her eyes, making the man burst into laughter.

"Yes. I would change that too. Falling down the waterfall and landing on your back isn't the best way to finish the night. But I was so glad you said yes. Now look at us. We're about to have our very own child. After years of trying we finally are able to. I'm happy your my mate and no one else. Now let's get going it's late and I still have some final touches I want to add to the babies room." The man said, grabbing the women's hand softly before dragging her back towards the trail and to the pack house.

"What more could you add! The baby is going to be so spoiled, she won't be able to do anything on her own!" The women said laughing.

"You mean he right. Our first born is going to be a boy." The man said also laughing.

"What if it was a girl, would you except her, or would you disown her." The women said getting serious. This made the man frown also sobering up.

"Of course I would love her. She would mean the world to me. I would make her the princess and a daddy's girl. She won't ever even know what the work means." The man said staring right into the women's eyes with determination. "If our babies a boy would you except him?" He returned the question.

"Of course. No matter the gender, I will always live my babies. I will support them no matter what they choose to be and will always be there in there darkest hour. I will do anything to protect my baby even if that means dying." The man stared in shock at his wife. Never before has he seen her so serious about something. He slowly began to smile and pull his mate into his arms.

"Then so will I. I'll protect you both until my final breath. I won't let any harm ever come to you. Just promise me if the day every comes, the day when I must depart this world, that you will try to live on for our pup. That you'll tell nothing but good stories of us. That I loved our little peanut with all of my fiber. With all of my heart. That I want to see them grow up big and strong, to see the world and have plenty of fun adventures. Promise that you'll do that." The man pleaded.

"I promise my love. And the same goes to you. Promise you won't fall victim to hate and revenge. Promise you'll stay strong for our little peanut and show her that even though I might not be there in body, I'll always be there in spirit. I'll continue to watch over her as she grows." The women said crying into the mans chest.

"I promise."

Wow ok. Never wrote anything that deep before. Any who I know you guys wanted to know what happens next from them last chapter but I felt it was necessary to share this. Also the next chapter will be the same way. I also worked out the chapters so I'll have 18 chapter in all plus the Epilogue so be ready to cry.

Luv u lots💜

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