Chapter 7

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Nobles POV

After about an hour of waiting, Holly still hasn't come back out. If it's taking this long than it must be something serious right? There's no way it would take this long if it wasn't. What if the pup had some serious illness or something. What if the pup died but Hollys just buying time, trying to figure out how to tell me. What if the pups wounds were so serious they had to amputate a limb. What if-

"Dude, stop thinking about what ifs and just focus on when the pups going to make it out and that maybe Hollys just cleaning and treating the wounds. The pup did have a whole lot of them. It's bound to take some time to clean them all. Plus, she would have to run some test to make sure everything's ok. It's not going to take five minutes and then boom your done." Rock said pulling me out of my thoughts. I sighed before replying.

"Ya your right. It's just, for some reason or another, I feel attracted to the pup. Like I'm always suppose to be there for her and protect her from harms ways. You know that kinda thing. I'm just worried I guess. I mean did you see how tiny the pup was. And to have gone through all of what the pup was. Hell, I'm sure there's a whole lot more to the story that we can't get. I just wanna know why someone would do that to a pup." I started ranting.

After a few minutes of silence I sneezed making Rock give me a pointed glare.

"You should really change out of those clothes and into warm ones. Your already catching a cold. We don't need you getting sick on us, now do we." I sighed before shaking my head.

"I've already told you I'm not leaving this chair until I know for sure whether that pup is ok or not." Right as I finished saying that the doors opened and out came Holly looking really tired and angry.

"Who ever had that pup ought to be ashamed of themselves for letting such a precious thing like that to get hurt. Her fur-" started Holly before I interrupted  her.

"The pups a girl?"

"Yes. And as I was saying, her fur was just so god damn long I had to shave her and found so many old wounds and scars it wasn't even funny. It looks like years of abuse but I don't understand how that could happen considering she's still a pup. It's makes me so angry. I had to put cast on her back right paw because the bone was broken, poor girl doesn't heal very quick, and has multiple stitches and bandages all over her. Luckily we got to her just in time so there's nothing too major. But still, I feel so bad. She doesn't deserve any of this." As soon as she finished she burst into tears and I'm sure I would have followed if I hadn't remembered that I'm the Alpha and I'm suppose to be strong for my pack.

"Ok Holly. It's ok. Can we see her. I want to make sure with my own eyes she ok before going to change." I said holding in a sneeze that wanted to force its way out. Ok so I may a little sick but oh well. It's all worth it if the little pup is all ok.

"Yes. Come on follow me and I'll show you guys the way to her room. Also, Alpha I'm not stupid. I can see you caught a cold so don't you dare leave with out me giving you medicine. We can't have you dying on us." She lectured before leading the way down a separate hallway and into a room secluded from the rest. She slowly opened the door and motioned for us to be very quite before letting me and Rock go inside.

Once inside I went straight to the bed to see the pup all curled up in herself while laying next to a very thick blanket. I noticed she was still shaking too. Shouldn't she have stopped. I mean, she looks pretty warm.

"Why is she still shaking?" I asked rubbing her head gently to feel very faint sparks. I decided to ignore those though for now.

"My guess it's from all the abuse. Her body just natural shakes for she's always in fear of being hurt. Even when she sleeps. It's so sad to think that someone might have attacked her in her sleep." Holly said before starting to murmur things to herself.

I frowned before going back to petting her, stopping when Holly started talking. Almost immediately her shivering slowed and she seem to lean into my hand.

"She's taking a liking to you. Every time someone else tries to touch her she would whimper and flinch. Hey I have an idea. Someone needs to watch over her for a couple days twenty four seven so why not you. She seems to like you." Holly exclaimed. Oh dear god what did I get myself into now.

Sighing once again, I seem to be doing that a lot, I nodded before picking her up gently and grabbing the thick blanket and wrapping that around her.

"How about we give her a name. I like the name Cloud since she was as fluffy as one, don't you think." Rock said, speaking for the first time since we came in. To be honest, I forgot he was even here.

"Ya I like that name. It's cute. Cloud." I whispered before turning around and heading towards the exit.

"Woah there Alpha. What did I say earlier. Medicine first, then you can leave." Holy said grabbing my ear and dragging me back towards where all the medicine is at.

Finally after getting all the medication, a bit to much if you ask me, I was finally able to leave. I headed up to my room before changing cloths and getting in bed. Of course Cloud was with me. I put her on the pillow next to be head, with her still all wrapped up in the blanket. I made a promise then.

I don't care what happens, I'll always be there to protect her.

Another one done and the third one on its way later. I decided to space out the times a bit to make it more suspenseful cuz I like doing that.

Any who luv u lots💜

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