Two - Shallow Lake

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"Camp Shallow Lake, y'all. My second home." EJ looks back at the group with a goofy smile.

"OUR. Second home. I go here too. You know your sister." EJ rolls his eyes and I look at Kourtney. "This guy..." She shakes her head with a smile and we continue.

We both look around with excitement until EJ starts to walk off so we follow. "Seriously, I came to this camp an athlete and became an athlete-actor. And Sky became well Sky. You come to Shallow Lake one way and you just become something else. It happens to everyone, though."

I look to notice that they probably weren't even listening. "Wow. And I thought this was a vacation." Ash jokes and I laugh looking at her.

I then hear some wheels and look up to see Maddox. She notices us and I give her a big smile. "Are those Wildcats I see?" She looks at the group with a wide smile and I can't contain myself any longer. I drop my bags and rush at her engulfing her in a big hug. She hugs me back with a laugh and I hear EJ's laugh next to me. I pull away and stand next to Maddox.

"She lasted longer than I thought, I thought she would be on you as soon as she spotted you. I guess you win, I'll pay you soon." I look at EJ confused and look at Maddox.

"He bet money on how quick you would hug me and I won, as usual." I laugh and look at EJ.

"I feel offended that you don't know me and proud that you got beat by a girl." I hear the group laugh and I walk back over to my stuff and get my phone out.

"What's up, Rocket Man?" She turns to EJ to fully greet him.

"How's it going Gadget?" They do there little hug and I see Gina's face fall. "Ready for a good summer?"

"Yeah, dude. Especially now that my bestie is here!" She looks at me and I fist bump her.

"Yeah." Me and EJ say at the same time. Me being more enthusiastic.

I then look at Carlos as he speaks up. "All right, it's five minutes in and I already miss Seb." He complains and me and Ash hug him.

"Oh, and I miss Biggie. But remember how we said we weren't gonna do that? This is our Wildcat summer adventure and we're going angst-less." Ash reminds Carlos but I knew it wasn't going to work. I mean they have only just arrived.

Carlos sighs and looks into nowhere. "I just feel naked without my angst." He gives us a sad face and I rub his shoulder with Ash then look at Gadget.

"All right, I'm just going to need to collect your phones, snacks and all electronic devices." Gadget hold a bucket to show them and I laugh and look at the group.

"Basically, anything that brings you joy." I joke and no one laughs but me and Gadget. Kourtney looks like she just got broken up with and Carlos looks done with life.

"She's only half kidding. " EJ then chucks his phone in the bucket and snatches mine off me and chucks it in. "But, you know, it's actually pretty great once you get past the withdrawal." Gadget stands in front of Gina and continues her little speech. "You'll have so much fun, you won't miss your phone." Gina, Ash and Carlos put their phones in and she moves to stand in front of Kourtney.

Kourtney starts to fake cry and Carlos speaks up. "Hey it's only for two weeks." I laugh and stand the other side of her and lean my head on her shoulder.

"But Sasha doesn't know that." Kourtney kisses her hand and then places it on her phone.

I look up and look at Carlos and Gadget. "Sasha is her phone by the way."

"I just got her, Sky. She's too young to understand what any of this means." She lets out a sob then I take her phone.

"Look we can take one more photo then I'll put her next to my phone okay?" We take the picture and place it in the bucket and Kourtney leans back into Carlos.

"Don't look back." Carlos holds onto her and I stand in the way of her view.

"Mama loves you!" Kourtney screams after her phone and I give her a hug.

"Oh don't do that." Me and Carlos say and she hugs us.


Me, Kourtney, Ash and Carlos walk up to EJ and Gina and butt into their conversation.

"Okay, since you refuse to give any clues at all, I'm just gonna go ahead and assume it's Gloria Steinem." Ash starts of her guess.

"I'm going with Oprah Because.. Oprah." Kourtney says.

"Legally, I'm obliged to say Greta Gerwig." Carlos shrugs and looks at me.

"And legally you would think I already know since I have been here before and know most of the workers here but I don't so I'm going to have to say... Dylan O'Brien." I jump up and down then stand still as EJ gives me a weird look.

"It's all going down at the amphitheater tonight. You guys are gonna be all 'Damn-phitheater.' "We all look at him confused and with weird looks and Gina leans on him.

"He's sorry..."

"It's just hitting me now that you two are gonna be a thing all summer." Carlos moans.

I look at him and laugh then look at Ash. "How do you think me and Ash feel, we are related to one of them and she lives with the other. I should just swap with Gina so they can live together and me and Ash can be roomies." I give Ash a look in hopes of someone taking me up on the idea.

"Well, as much as I would love that, as a thing-in-law, I have never been prouder." Ash looks at me then looks at the couple with a smile.

EJ walks up to the group and then points to everything as he talks. "Okay, so basketball is over there. The pool is behind me." We start to slowly walk with him. "And if you all follow my gaze to the south here,"

"You will see the Camp Shallow Lake barn and playhouse." I walk out in front and give EJ a smirk as I beat him to it. He rolls his eyes and continues and I fall back in line.

"Where young EJ has played such roles as, Danny Zuko, of course, The Dentist from Little Shop he and the Music Man." EJ lists of his roles and I laugh.

"And I would pay to see all three all over again to make fun of you." I smirk at him and he reaches his arm over to push me but I pull Carlos in front of me to stop him.

He quickly shrieks and I take my hands off him and he gives me a look. "Do I look like a human shield?" I laugh at him and look at Kourtney.

"Speaking of rotten eggs, yes, I know what you did last summer." Kourtney says in a matter of fact tone.

I laugh and EJ speeds up his walk. "And that concludes the tour, Now, if you'll follow me this way..." He starts to lead us over to the bunks and I stand next to him and face the others. "Boy's bunk," He points behind him and looks at me.

"Girl's bunk," I point to my left and continue,. "Mountains, ocean, and sometimes there's bears." I point to all the spots and then try to scare them a little while I am at it. They all look around and Kourtney looks terrified.

"Got it girl. Got it." She looks at me and I laugh and pick my stuff up.

"Okay, I will see you all tonight for the big announcement." He starts to walk off but then spins around and whispers. "One more thing," He then jogs up to Gina and kisses her and walks of again.

"How many days has it been?" Carlos asks me and Courtney quietly.

"Ten minutes." Kourtney cries and Carlos moans and I laugh as we look back at Gina.

She giggles and we all head out to our bunks.

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