Twenty Four - Let The Show Begin Part 2

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We all go back to the dressing area and Mads finds me. She gives me a big hug and I let out a deep breath. "That was a good call, thanks for saving the show."

I chuckle and hug her tighter. "That's what I'm for." We both laugh and pull away then turn round the corner to everyone.

"Ten minute intermission. And if anyone sees Channig, punch him." Mads says annoyed and I stop her.

"No if anyone sees him , bring him to me and I'll punch him." I say and she laughs.

We pass Gina laughs. "Say less."

"Thank you 10." Carlos shouts after us and I laugh.

Ash then walks in holding a card in her hand. "Wait did everyone get a card from Nini?" I look at her confused.

"Nini's here?" Ricky asks quietly.


Everyone gets in costume again and and I lead Ricky to the side of stage. We pass Channing on the phone and we ignore him.

"Ah! The ex shows up to swing his sword. Yes." Channing lifts the camera to Ricky's face and I stand next to him.

Ricky grabs the camera and pushes it down. "Okay dude? She and I? Were just faking it during rehearsal. Okay? We're friends."

"So get lost before someone gets hurt. Seriously." I snap and stand in front of him. He then walks away and I follow him to make sure he doesn't terrorise anyone else.

Ricky goes on stage with his guitar and starts to sing his song. I look at the crowd then spot Nini walk in at the back.

I run out through the side door and along the wall the too Nini. "Hey." I whisper and she turns around and I hug her.

"Oh my god you aren't supposed to see me." She laughs quietly and we watch Ricky on stage.

He strums the guitar and sings his song. "We all missed you,"

She smiles at me and I smile back. "Kourt told me about you not auditioning. I didn't believe it until I realised their were no other roles."

"Yeah just wasn't feeling it this summer." I say back and we watch Ricky again.

After a couple of seconds she speaks up again. "That flash light idea was really smart of you. Good to know it isn't falling apart without me. And I heard about your boyfriend. I'm happy for you." She laughs then nudges me.

"Thank you and thank you but I need to go, they might need me back stage." I give her one last hug and walk back stage again.


EJ pulled me out of the barn and back to his cabin with Val. He is pacing while me and Val watch him. "I'm only doing this right now because you're leaving early." EJ explains.

"I know." Val says quietly back to him.

"And I need some moral support, and Sky you need to hear this." EJ says then looks at me.

EJ sighs then Val looks at him, "You got this."

EJ looks down at his phone for a minute so Val takes it and presses the call. She then hands it back to him. EJ sits down on a chair and I sit next to him.

"Hey, Dad, it's me, Sky's sat next to me." He speaks into the phone, "We're in the middle of act two right now, and... I actually fooled myself into thinking you'd be here... but I know you think this is a waste of mine and Sky's time." I hold onto his other hand and don't look away from him. "And I know I took a chance tonight that put people over profits..." Val nods at him to continue, "But just once in my life, I wanna hear you say you're proud of me. Proud of Sky too. Just 'I'm proud of you EJ and Sky.' How hard is that? And if you don't start stepping up for at least Sky I'm moving her in with Ashlyn while I'm at college." He pauses and nothing comes through the phone. "Dad?" He waits a few more seconds, "Hello? Did you..." He takes the phone away from his ear and Dad hangs up on him.

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