Four - Announcement

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We sit down in our seats and get excited for the big announcement. Ash on the end, Carlos next to her, Kourtney in the middle and me on the other end. EJ and Gina are sitting in front of us. Gadget steps on stage with her guitar and stands in front of the mic.

"What's up, new campers?" She speaks through the mic. Everyone cheers and screams. Once everyone is quiet she speaks again. "I thought I'd sing a little song. Maybe one or two of you wanna sing along." She then starts to strum her guitar and I look at Kourtney and Carlos with excitement.

"Welcome to the Shallow Lake of your dreams. Where the days are full and nights are serene. on the way back to your yurts don't forget the lake is dirt. If you fall in no one will hear you scream..."

Me and EJ both do a fake scream and look at each other with smiles. I then hear Kourtney and Ash laugh and look at them and whisper 'what?'

"At Shallow Lake, at Shallow Lake. We dive right into every friendship that we make. At Shallow Lake, at Shallow Lake. Each year we come from near and far. To sing our hearts out in a barn. The stars of Shallow Lake"

Everyone is swaying to the music and Ash starts to clap but stops when Gadget continues.

"One, Two, Three! At Shallow Lake," "THERE IS NO LAKE!" Some people start to join in as she sings and I scream with everyone else. "At Shallow Lake." "IT'S ALL FAKE!" "When ya eat the tacos, that's your first mistake." "BIG MISTAKE!" The group look at me and EJ weird as we sing along and enjoy ourselves."At Shallow Lake, "SHALLOW LAKE!" "At Shallow Lake. Don't go too far into the woods or you'll be gone for good. Under the stars of Shallow Lake, "SHALLOW LAKE, SHALLOW LAKE!" "Shallow Lake." We all slowly rise our arms as she finishes the song and everyone claps and cheers for her.

"EJ, Sky! That was really cute." Ash tells us.

"Yea we sing it every night." EJ jokes and Ash's face falls slightly.

"He's kidding, We don't." I inform them and Ashlyn visibly relaxes.

Carlos then leans forward to EJ "What's next, the blood sacrifice?" I laugh at his seriousness and face the stage again.

"Now, give it up for the Wood! He loves some noise!" Gadget then steps back from the mic as Dewy comes on stage. Everyone cheers for him and he tells everyone to settle down and they don't so he says it again. Once everyone is quiet he speaks.

"For those of you who don't know, I'm your camp director Dewy Wood." He speaks into the mic for everyone to hear.

"Dewey Wood?" EJ says out loud.

"Yes, he would!" Everyone screams.

The group look around confused so I tap EJ on the shoulder for my turn.

"Dewey Wood?" I say loudly.

"Yes, he would!" Everyone screams again and Dewey looks unimpressed.

He let's out a sigh then speaks up, "I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. it's another summer. Let's have fun. Friendship is magic. Be careful what you flush. Okay?" Everyone looks around skeptical but focuses back on his voice. "Now I know the reason we have many new faces here is because of the exciting news. This summer, Camp Shallow Lake has been selected for a very special opportunity, and to tell you all about it here comes a very familiar face."

"Are you ready?" I hear EJ whisper to Gina.

"What did you do?" She whispers back.

I look at Kourtney and Carlos and we all get excited.

"Mr. Corbin Bleu!" Everyone cheers and gets excited and we all stand up shouting and screaming for him. Ash is jumping up and down with Carlos and me and Kourtney are clinging on to each other.

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