Six - Auditions

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"Okay everyone. Let's take some grounding breaths." Val says holding a board and walks while breathing in and out. "And we're off!" She shouts and walks off.

"For those of you who I technically know, today, you're not Wildcats. Today you're a bunch of blank canvases, strangers to me. Today we've never met." EJ tries to explain to everyone. 

I laugh and look at him. "Either let me say that is everyday for me or don't talk." He gives me a look but shuts up.

Val starts the music and Ash is the first one on stage. Then it was Kourtney, and as each person went on stage they went backstage to get their picture taken by Gadget. Everyone sang their songs and everyone was really good. Like REALLY good! The two younger ones were so cute and really good, I think everyone can tell they are going to be younger Elsa and Anna.  Once everyone had finished we all cheered and clapped for each other. 


Me, Carlos, Kourtney, Ricky and Ash stand together when EJ comes up to us. 

"Where are the scripts?" Kourtney asks one of her million questions. 

"Scripts?" EJ asks as if he has no clue what it is.

Gina then walks over and we look at him weird. "For the scene work auditions?"

"We're doing a show with no script? And Sky didn’t auditioning at all? Seb is going to freak. What is this? Curb Your Enthusiasm?" Carlos says slightly freaking out.

 Ricky then puts his hand up and shouts over to us. When did he walk away? I have no clue. "Yo Mr Director-man where do you want us all to stand?" 

"Can everyone just wait one second? Please?" EJ pleads everyone. 

Then we hear a cough and look over to see Gadget walking over. "What if they all just acted out the lyrics from the songs? You know, like a dramatic reading." She asks as a suggestion. 

Everyone looks around with mixed emotions so I break the silence. "That actually is a really good idea. I mean they should do it as long as there isn't any other ideas right?" I say helping with her idea. 

"I don't know I'm just a stage manager." She replies back after no one says anything else. 

"No, that's a great idea." Gina chimes in and Gadget give me and EJ a little shrug with a small laugh. 

"Thank you." EJ whispers to her. I laugh and nudge him.

"I promise you got this. If you need help I'm here. It's why I didn't audition I know how stressful it is." He gives me a grateful smile and puts his arm around my shoulders as a thanks.

Kourtney starts of the reading with the song, Let it go. Then once she says the last words no one else joins in and she goes quiet. Then the doors open again and Jet walks in this time. My eyebrows raise and I look at Maddox. She crosses her arms and looks at him. 

"Sorry. Auditions started over an hour ago." She says to him bluntly as I walk over to her. Jet starts to walk backwards but EJ cuts in. 

"It's okay. Everyone's welcome to try out." EJ walks to the front of the stage and I stand next to him. 

I cross my arms and smile. "We need more boys anyway." I hear a few people laugh and I see Jet smiles slightly. 

"I'm not so sure about this." He says taking one hand out of his pocket. 

Ricky starts to walk of stage and EJ speaks again. "Nobody's judging you." Ricky then gives him a sheet and I sit down on the stage and face him.

Ricky pats his arm and everyone gathers to hear him sing. I swear if I find out my best friend's attractive brother can sing. I'm done. I will fall so hard for him and there will be no stopping me. I know it will hurt Maddox but I can't stop my feelings. 

Ricky sits next to me and Jet starts to sing. "For the first time in forever. I'm getting what I'm dreaming of." Ash quickly walks off stage and goes to the piano to play along with him. " A chance to leave my lonely world. A chance to find true love." Once he notices Ash is on the piano he looks at her and back at me and Ricky so we both smile at him. I shift in my position and stand up lean against the stage. "For the first time in forever. We're no longer shut outside. For the first time in forever. The gates are open wide. Oh, I know it all ends tomorrow. So it has to be today. 'Cause for the first time in forever. For the first time in forever. Nothing's in my way." His voice echoes through the barn and everyone is shocked at his voice. I think I just fell in love with his voice. 

I start clapping and everyone else follows and cheers for him but Maddox. Everyone goes over to talk to him but he places the sheet of music on the piano, looks at me and gives me a smile and walks out. 

"I have chills." Ricky says to everyone and shows his arm. I can't stop staring at where he was and can hear everyone talking about it. 


Later once everyone leaves, me and EJ talk a bit about directing then head our ways. Me and the girls decided to decorate our room and areas of our bedrooms for the rest of the day. I stick some polaroid photos of my friends and one of me and EJ then filled the rest with some qoutes Kourtney gave me. 

When we all got ready for bed Gina came out of the bathroom. "Hey did Maddox every come back after dinner?" She asks the group.   

I lean over my bed to see her bed empty and untouched. "She probably has some super-top-secret important camp tradition business to attend to." Kourtney speaks up to answer.

"Is it bad to say she's kind of a lot? And that's coming from me, someone who is also a lot." Ash says to everyone and I laugh. 

 "She can be at some times but all her old friends left apart from me so it's hard to make new ones you know." I tell them and they look away remembering the times they all had to make new friends and how bad it was.

Gina sits on the swing and looks at Ashlyn. "Come on, you guys. Maddox is great. She just wants all of us to bond and be friends and go along with her cool rituals." Gina tries to explains.

Ashlyn and Kourntey look at each other then make faces. "Mmm-hmm"

"Look like I said she is just a bit closed off especially with all the new people here this year and the pressure of the musical and her falling out with her br-" I stop myself and look at the ceiling hoping none caught it. 

"With who?" Kourtney says. I look over to see everyones eyes on me. 

I panic slightly and look away then look at Kourtney. "Her old best friend. She left last year and only had me to fall back on." Everyone nodded which seemed good but when I look back at Kourtney she is still suspicious and can tell I'm lying but doesn't push it    

"Guys, she's harmless." Gina says finally and we all lay in bed and try to go to sleep.  

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