Thirty One - Surprise!

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"Gather around Wildcats." Miss Jenn tells us and we all gather towards her. "Since High School Musical 3 should have been tightened up in editing, for pacing, we'll need to jump right into our table read." Miss Jenn says and I find my seat and sit down.

I zone out as I go on my phone. I only zone back in when Ricky places the Chad card next to mine. "Are you really going to make me look that sad?"

"Well, actually there's...." Ricky starts but Kourt comes in.

"Sorry!, I'm here." She is wearing full orange while carring a cup.

"Come in!" Miss Jenn tells her and I smile at Kourt.

"I was up late, working on 11 versions of my college essay. If a living legend like Dani can be fired after one day, nobody's future is safe y'all." She stresses and I point at her.

"And that is why you are Sharpay!" I laugh and no one joins so I look down at my script and starts highlighting.

I only look back up when I hear Carlos scream. I see him looking panicked. "So Seb is working on the movie, but in the catering position?"

"Wait what?" I say and Kourt looks at us. "I know, I know. I'm just as shocked as you are, okay? I was in lone for coffee, ironically looking for tea on what happened with Dani, and like a Book of Mormon vision, Sebbie was there." Kourt explains and I scoff. That little rat. Hasn't even texted me at all.

"Did he say anything about me?" Carlos asks desperately.

"I hate to say this, but the coffe wasn't the only thing that felt icy." Kourt says.

I turn back to my script and sigh. "Babies..." Miss Jenn sits down and so does everyone else. "We should begin. This script is 213 pages long, so...." Gina then walks in with her outfit for the film.

"Have you guys started?" Everyone screams and compliments her outfit as she stands there.

"I thought you'd be doing fancy movie things?" Miss Jenn asks her with excitement.

Gina laughs and looks at her. "We're on a two hour hold 'cause Alyson Reed's flight is delayed, so that means-" Ricky walks up to her way to excited with her card.

"You get to join the table read!" He places her name tag on the table and look around. "I mean, you know, it's gonna be good for all of us to have a full cast." Me and Ash look at each other and smirk.

Miss Jenn then chuckles and speaks up, "Well no time to lose. Let's begin!" She coughs and reaches her hands out. We all join together and she sings 'Can I have this dance?'.

"Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance!" She hits a high notes and I smile.

"Amen." Ash says and we all let go of eachother.

Miss Jenn then puts her hands together. "Thank you. Go ahead."

"I've never been asked to a prom, but this almost sounds like an invitation." Gina reads her first line.

"Gabriella guides Troy to his outfit. The tension is fierce, but also appropriate for all audiences." Miss Jenn reads the stage lines.

"This one." Gina says while looking at Ricky.

"Gabriella and Troy hold for a long beat. We can speed through this, you guys. We'll be here all day." Miss Jenn dismisses but they don't budge. "Oh, okay, obey the stage direction." She says awkwardly and I smirk. They are so dating. "Very disciplined."

"I've never been to a dance. Much less a prom but I was hoping these might be a good start? Do you think we're gonna have to waltz? 'Cause I have no idea how to do that." Ricky says his line and Miss Jenn looks at them and I think she is thinking what we are all thinking.

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