Thirteen - Sleepover

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Walking into a boys bunk is way worse then I thought. The smell of boys BO is so strong it hits you like a wave. I look around as Jet shuts the door. I notice EJ put our photo up like me. I then notice Carlos' stuff on the bottom bunk of the other beds which means Jet is the top bunk.

I run and jump and land perfectly facing him. He gives me a smirk and walks over to lean on the bed frame. "How'd you know? Was it my amazing smell?" Jet's smirk grows at his statement and I kick him lightly with my foot.

"Elimination. EJ has a photo of me on his bored. Ricky loves the top bunk and Carlos has his stuff out and this bed is the only other bed with stuff on it. The other two boys seem tidy." I smile down at him proudly then see him shake his head. He then moves past my feet and jumps up with me. I take his jacket of and give it back and he puts it straight back on.

I then crawl behind him and lay down and rest my elbow next to his pillow and put my head on my hand. He laughs at me then grabs a book and lays on his tomach. I look at the title then laugh as he opens it.

"Calafornia Birds, A field guide. Really?" He looks at me with fake sadness and holds his chest where his heart is.

"Don't judge me." I laugh even harder and have to cover my mouth so no one hears if they walk by.

Suddenly the door opens and Ricky walks in going to his bed and gets ready to climb it. I knew it. He doesn't seem to notice us until he turns his head.

"Whoa!" I hear from Ricky and try not to laugh. Jet gives me a glare from the corner of his eye and I nearly burst out laughing. "I thought this would be empty. Didn't see the camouflage. You're back?" Ricky walks away from his bed and looks at Jet. Then he spots me. "Sky what are you doing here? This is a boys bunk. Get out." I roll my eyes at him and sit up against the wall with my legs crossed.

"No one is going to find out, unless you snitch which you won't do unless you want me to reveal your crush and don't pretend you don't have one because it's me. The person who has guessed people's crush before anyone else and gets it right." I say with a smug smile and Ricky just sighs and ignores me.

Jet doesn't look up from his bird book the whole time. "Look I already got a lecture from Sky and I really don't need one from you." Jet looks slightly over at Ricky and sighs. "Hope the movie was fun."

Ricky puts his hands near his hips and looks at me. I raise them to not get involved and he sighs. "We were counting on you, dude. I mean Gina was counting on you. She finally got the lead. It means a lot. You can't not show up." Ricky continues to lecture him as Jet closes the book and goes in the postion I was in originally to face Ricky.

I lift my hand over mout then do a fake cough while saying "Definitely his crush." I can tell we are thinking the same. He then confirms my thought by slipping out a quiet 'Yep' to me. I smile to myself and look at Ricky agian.

"What?" Ricky the asks innocently and blind. This boy really is oblivious.

"Just curious. Are you actually this upset I took off or is it really about Gina?" Jet blatantly question's.

Ricky hesitates then stumbled slightly at his words. "Wh- I just want what's best for her, dude. She's my friend."

"Right you guys are 'friends'" Jet doesn't do actual air quotes as you can hear it in his voice.

"Gotta agree with Jet. That is how they all start out. They have a boyfriend then you fall for her and she finds something wrong with her boyfriend, you then swoop in and steal her and you guys live happily ever after." I say put loud and Jet nods and points to me in agreement.

Ricky groans out loud and ignores me agian. "I can hear the air quotes."

"Good." Jet sasses back.

Ricky takes a step back then looks at us both. "I know you both mean well with that but you don't know the full story." Ricky the storms out the room.

"For the record. I have the full story and would glady share if you're willing to listen. But if not then I also get that because I hate talking about Ricky all the time." Jet laughs at me and lays on his back and stares at the ceiling.

We stay on the bed in silence for a while, me just looking around the room and Jet looking at the roof. Until I get bored and break the silence.

"You never actually answered my question earlier. About why you care about me so much." I look at Jet and his face falls slightly then he looks at me and let's out a low chuckle.

He puts his arms above him with his hands behind his head. "When do I ever answer you straight. Unless it is serious?"

I roll my eyes and hit his chest playfully. "Well I declare this conversation serious because at the Camp before the fire EJ said you have a crush on me so unless you answer me properly I'm going to keep believing it." I cross my arms over my chest to act tough and serious but fail when I meet his brown eyes and common smirk.

A smile breaks over my face which cause his smirk to grow and I hide my face in embarrassment. "What if I want you to believe EJ? What if I do like you? Or what if I just actually want to know one of my sisters friends more than their name?"

"So either you like me or you just want to have more girls as friends?" I asked to see if I understand him.

"Or both." He looks at me then smiles and looks at the ceiling again.

I groan and lean my head against the wall. "I hate you."

"No you don't." He says back, causing butterflies to erupt and my cheek to go pink.

"Wanna bet? I'll walk out that door right now." I then move one leg out from underneath me and get ready to stand up but am stopped by a pair of hands.

He quickly start to tickle my sides. I scream for him to stop and my laughter echoes in the room. If no one could hear us before now they definitely can.(Not in a weird way) I squirm underneath his grip as he sits up and continues. After about 2 minutes of torture he stops and we are both breathing heavy and loudly and he just flops back on his bed. I laugh and sit up to sort my hair out. I look at the clock on the wall and see they have about 30 minutes. Wow we have been talking for an hour? How time flies when you're having fun.

"I should probably go before someone gets suspicious." I sort my top out and and pull my necklace out to readjust the chain.

Jet doesn't look at me instead he is fixated on the roof still. "Before you leave come look at this. Tell me if I'm seeing things." He ushers me over with one hand but I dont move

"Jet its a ceiling. Nothing special." I argue but he just gives me a look and I give in as I'm getting tired. I lay down he points to where he is looking. I have to tilt my head towards his chest to see anything but fail. "Here move your head over so you can see it." He pats his chest and I look at him skeptical. He rolls his eyes and lays his arm over my shoulders and lays me on his chest. "Right there." He points to abit of dirt on the roof and I laugh.

"Really a bit of dirt?" I go to sit up but his grip tightens and I can't move. "Real smooth Jet, real smooth." I feel his chest vibrate underneath me as he laughs and I join him.

I feel sleep taking over me as my eyes start to shut. I feel Jet laugh again and his grip loosens. I start to forget my surrounding and snuggle closer to Jet without thinking. Like instinct. I feel him snuggle into me until I feel his breath on my ear.

"Let's just say both of us are clingy at night." I hear him whisper in a quiet voice then I fall asleep completely.

I am so screwed tomorrow...

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