Fourteen- New Roles?

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I wake up to whispering echoes in the room. I stir awake and feel out of place. I go to turn my head into my pillow but I don't feel it. Instead I feel something else. I slowly open my eyes and see I'm facing the wall. At least I can figure myself out before confronting whoever is talking. Once my eyes are adjusted I focus on what I am lying on. I feel the material of a jacket then it hits me like a train. I FELL ASLEEP ON JET. WHAT DO I DO? THE BOYS ARE GOING TO KILL ME! THE GIRLS ARE GOING TO FREAK. OMG. Maddie is going to kill me. Bring me back break the friendship then kill me again.

I slowly take a deep breath so who I assume is the boys don't know I'm awake and listen to them.

"Why is she here? And what is she doing with him? How did this happen!?" EJ

"I'm proud that she plucked the courage to finally have a conversation with him let alone sleep on him." Carlos

"She threatened me last night when I came in hear to not tell you guys but I guess that broke. Maybe she got tired and Jet didn't want to be mean and move her?" Ricky

"What ever happened I want answers." I then felt an arm on my back shaking me.

I stay still until he does it again and close my eyes and turn my head then pretend to wake up again. Once my eyes are open I see an annoyed EJ, confused and excited Carlos and a done with life Ricky. I put my hands either side of Jet's body and try to get of him but an arm stops me, like last night. How did I not notice his arm around me still? I sigh and place my arms on his chest then lay my head on  them. I stare at the boys thinking of how to explain this.

"I have so many questions but me, Val and Carlos have something to do. This isn't over." EJ says then they leave me with a sleeping Jet and silent Ricky.

"I won't actually tell anyone about your crush by the way. And if you're so worried I'll make sure to keep Jet quiet." I say in a tired voice then yawn. He laughs at me and thanks me then leaves.

Well this is awkward...

I turn my head to face him and see him sound asleep with not a worry in his face. I decide to wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself up to rest my head in his neck. My eyes start to close as I inhale his scent and get comfortable but then I feel movement.

Jet starts to shuffle a bit until he realises I'm on top of him. He takes his arm of me then I feel him stretch and he rubs a hand up and down my back. After about 3 minutes of me going in and out of consciousness because of his scent and touch, he plays with my hair and lightly shake me. "Sky we have to get up, we have rehearsal and Mr Bleu is coming again."

I decided to play with him a bit to see what he does so I just tighten my grip around his neck and nudge my head in the crook of his neck. I feel him chuckle then he leans down to my ear.

"Have I told you how cute you are, you look adorable snuggled up to me and your smell is entoxicating." HE flirts and it sends a chill running down my back, not expecting that answer. I move my head out of his neck to get away from his ear and pretend to wake up again.

He laughs at me then I roll off him and he sits up, he slings his legs over the edge and jumps down then turns around. He lays his arms on the edge and places his chin on his arms so he was eye level to me. "Sleep well?"

I blink my eyes a few times and nod. "What about you."

He looks surprised. "Better than usual."

I then remember the girls and groan, hiding my face in his pillow. His smell fills my nose and I finally am able to pin point the smell off wood, chocolate and his spray. My face heats up as I realise I am just sniffing his pillow. I have definitely fallen for him.

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