Thirty Six - Night To Remember

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It's the night of the show and I am shitting it. I have never been more scared in my life. What if I forget a line? What if I trip and fall? What if I sing the wrong lyric?

Miss Jenn asked if me and Jet could learn a song a couple hours before the show so then our characters can 'connect' more. I know she is just doing it so I'm more comfortable up stage but I'm still nervous. She gave me the sheet music to learn on piano and Jet helped with the keys. Once we learned the song we got the lyrics and it turns out she wants us to sing  All Of Me by John Kegend. I was kind of excited because I remember listening to it as a kid but I don't know how it relates to Chad and Taylor.

"I think I left my pom poms at home!"

"Somebody stole my bronzer."

"Okay, everyone," Ricky walks in and I stop curling my hair and turn around in my seat. "Since Nini isn't here she asked me to hand out some cards. Warning, my handwriting sucks." We all walk over and grab our cards and then I go back to my seat and finish my hair. "Hey, has anyone seen Gina? Gina. Outstanding."

I laugh and look at him through the mirror when I see EJ walk in. I shoot round and watch him. "Did I miss half-hour call? And does it matter if I'm not in the show?"

"EJ!" I shout and run at him. I engulf him and everyone comes over. "Oh my god!"

"I'm so glad you came!" Ricky says as they do a bro hug.

"Sitting out there, watching you guys is the second best place in the world tonight." EJ says and Ash and Carlos hug an arm each.

"Where's the first place?" Ricky asks.

I cross my arms and look at him. "Getting to be onstage for one more show. But those days are behind me." I sigh and give him one last hug then go and do my make up.

"Biggie!" Ash then says and we all turn to see Big Red walking in the other door.

"I'm not here! But if you notice someone in the audience screaming, crying, throwing up, those are all things that I do." I laugh at him and focus back on my mirror and apply my mascara.

I finish it off by applying my blush and then stand up and do a full body check. I twirl around and smile in the mirror.

"Okay, security, a cute audience member has made his way backstage." Carlos says and I look through the mirror at them.

"I'll only accept it if it is Seb!" I shout and give them both smiles. "Hope you enjoy the show Seb!" I say and he gives me a big smile.

I then turn to my left and find Jet a few seats away. I walk over and lean my hands on his chair. "Hey Chad!" I say then kiss his cheek. I then play with his hair slightly without looking at his reflection.

"You're nervous... Don't be, you'll be great. You are great." He says and I sigh.

"I'm not nervous, I'm just, taking it all in." I say back and lean my hands on his shoulders.

"Oh, really? Then why won't you look at me?" He asks and I can hear his smirk. I roll my eyes then lean over his shoulder so our cheeks are touching and look at him in the mirror.

"Better?" I ask and he gives me a wide smile.

He kisses my cheek then looks at my face. "Better..." I turn to face him and smile. He kisses me on the nose and I giggle.

"Wildcats! This is your five minute call!" Maddox shouts to us and flickers the lights. Everyone screams but me and Jet and I start laughing. "You guys don't do the lights thing?"

"No but that was entertaining." I shout back and Jet stands up.

"We thought you'd be dead again." Ash says and they both laugh nervously. Ash then turns around and looks at me and Maddox walks away.

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