Thirty Three - Sleepover 2.0

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I went back to the house after the party to change out my clothes then pack a overnight bag with all the things needed. Toothbrush, hairbrush, clothes for school, phone charger, pj's, my duck, and other things. I put on a hoodie and tie my shoes then text Ash that i'm staying with Jet for the night. I then get Jet's address to make my way over there.

When I knock on the door Jet opens it and he has a big goofy smile. I smile back at him and he opens the door wider. I look around the place to see a few boxes still about and a few pictures of Maddox and Jet together as kids. I pick one up then Jet walks around me and takes it. "And we're done down here." He places the picture down and I laugh at him. "Come on." He then grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs and into his room.

I look around and even though I've seen some of it over facetime it still looks different. I drop my bag by the door and Jet closes the door then flops on the bed. I walk around the edge of the room starting by his desk. It is a simple white desk with a swivel chair and a few sheets and the script. He has a pot of pens and pencils then I look up to see a small shelf full of books. I read over the titles then spot two books that I have been dying to read. Hooked a never after novel and The Cruel Prince. I run my hands over both of them. I am definitely stealing them. I look around the rest of his room, the other side of his room was a lot more techy. He has LED's around the edges in red with a PC set up and his switch along with a box of wires. Then an open wardrobe next to it all. I walk over to his bed and flop on it backwards.

"I love your room already." I sigh and close my eyes and breathe in his scent that is filling the room. "How did you unpack so quickly?" I open my eyes and look at him.

He turns his head and looks down his bed at me. "Stayed up all night the day we arrived. Maddox killed me the next day." I laugh at him then sit up and take my shoes off then sit criss cross apple sauce on his bed.

He watched me amused then sits up straight. "What do you want to do?" I look around his room again quickly then look back at him. I give him a smirk and get up and grab his switch. I sit next to him and hand it to him.

"What games you got?"

He laughs at me and turns it on then shows me. "I have a lot but the two you might like are..." He flicks across his games and lands on one. "Animal Crossing and Just Dance." He finishes then hands it to me. I smile at him and click Animal Crossing.

We spend about an hour on it, both creating characters and taking turns on it. It is about 8:30 pm and we decide to play Just Dance. We start of with Love Story then move on to Run The World and after wearing ourselves out we end on Believer and Good For U. We both make jokes and make fun of our horrible attempts at dancing because of our tiredness then turn the switch of and sit back on his bed. It is about 9:30 pm so Jet runs downstairs to get us food from the kitchen.

He comes back up with two big bags of chips, three bags of candy and a fizzy drink each. I laugh at the amount he got and we settle down in bed. He then puts on Goosebumps and we spend the next hour and 43 minutes eating all the food and gaining a sugar high. How someone hasn't knocked on his door to complain about us, like Mads, I will never know but I don't mind.

When the movie ends we both clean up and get changed into our pj's. I brought a hoodie and a pair of leggings and he is wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. I then brush my teeth then get my duck out and sit on the end of his bed as he sits against his headboard.

"Well now what do you want to do?" He asks and I raise a brow at him.

"Are we not going to get in trouble if we stay up to late?" I ask him and look at the door then back at him.

He smiles at me and laughs. "I don't care. I finally have my girl back and don't want to let go." I smile at his adorable comment and pull my phone out.

I pull my playlist up from Spotify and press shuffle. The first few songs come up but I skip and the fourth song is the one I'm looking for. I pause it then turn my volume up slightly so he can hear it then stand up and press play. The tune to I See The Lights from Tangled plays. Jet laughs then looks at me. He then stands up and walks up to me.

"All those days. Watching from the windows. All those years, outside looking in. All that time. Never even knowing just how blind I've been."

I sing along to my favourite Disney song and Jet gives me a goofy smile.

"Now I'm here. Blinking in the
startlight. Now I'm here, suddenly I see. Standing here, its oh so clear. I'm where I'm meant to be. And at last, I see the light. And it's like the fog has lifted."

I spin in a circle and Jet sits next to my phone watching me.

"And at last I see the light, And it's like the sky is new. And it's warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted. All at once. Everything is different, now that I see you."

I grab Jet's hands and pull him up and look him in the eyes with a loving smile. He grabs one hand places the other on my waiste then starts slowly swaying us. Once the song picks up again he lets go and start to ball room dance me.

"All those days chasing down a daydream. All those years, living in a blur. All that time, never truly seeing things the way they were. Now she's here., shining in the starlight. Now shes here, suddenly I know. If she's here. It's crystal clear. I'm where I'm meant to go."

Jet pulls me closer and pushes a hair behind my ear.

"And at last I see the light." We both sing.

"And it's like the fog has lifted." Jet sings and spins me with one hand and I feel like a real princess.

"And at last I see the light." We both sing again.

"And it's like the sky is new." I sing then rest my back to his chest as his arms are holding mine.

"And it's warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted." We both sing then Jet spins me out of his hold then pulls me back so I'm facing him. "All at once. Everything is different. Now that I see you. Now that I see you."

We both look at each, both getting lost in thebothers gaze. Jet places a hand on the back of my neck and I wrap my arms around his neck. He rubs his thumb against my neck then we both slowly lean in and our lips are a centimetre apart.

"Can I?" He asks as his breath fans my face.

I nod my head, lost for words and we both connect our lips. It feels like a first kiss all over again. All our feelings and emotions in one kiss but it's gentle and sweet and feels right.

Once we pull away we both look at each other and a smile breaks over both our faces. "Thank you. You just made me feel like a princess." I whisper to him and he looks in my eyes with love and admiration.

"Because you are a princess. You're  my princess." He says then gives me a kiss on the nose.

He pulls me over to his bed, hands me my phone and we both lay down. I notice a notification from Mads and I frown slightly. I open it to see a video of me and Jet singing. I laugh to myself and show Jet. He smiles then it drops. He takes my phone and I sit up.

"What's up?" I asked panicked.

He grabs his phone and unlocks it then shows me. "She sent it to the groupchat from Camp." He says annoyed and I slightly freak but then laugh.

"She's dead in the morning." I joke and lay down on his chest and he places our phones on the side.

His bed is fairly big so there is no trouble with space but we still cuddle together as if the other could fall off any minute. I rest my cheek against his chest and close my eyes as I listen to his steady heartbeat. I wrap my arms around his chest and he wraps his over my shoulders. one hand is playing with my hair while the other is rubbing my back soothingly.

I slowly become sleepy as his touch warms every part of my body. He kisses my head then my forehead and sighs in content. As I am about to fall asleep I hear him whisper in my ear.

"I love you."

Exhaustion takes over me before I can say it back and I fall into a deep slumber.

(A/N Short but sweet, sorry not sorry. Remebr to vote and comments!!)

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