Fifteen - Drama

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"Five, six, seven, eight. One and two and three and.." Carlos shouts out loud as everyone practices fake slapping someone.

I am with Gadget on the side of set helping to organise props. We then walk up to Ash.

"Okay. Is it just me or should Carlos have given 'fake crying' to an actor?" Mads says to us.

Ash looks up at us and closes her script. "Oh, it's way easier than you think. Do you have a pet who died?"

"Just my dog Joe-Jack but he's still alive." She replies while holding a big star with a smile.

Ash then puts on a face and steps closer. "Oh, you didn't hear?" Gadget looks at her and Ash fakes a sad voice. "Um, we got a call in the office. There's been a terrible accident."

Gadget closes her eyes then turns to Carlos. "Okay, can I be the slapper?"

"We're working out the kinks." Ash explains and Carlos freaks out.

"There's no time. Just work on your backstories." Carlos then places his hands on his head and takes a deep breath. "Try this. The two of you are in love with the same boy." He then smiles at the two and turns to see Jet. "Oh, Jet. We'll make it Jet."

"Oh, god no!" Gadget points at him with disgust.

Ash then looks at her and I laugh. "Oh, gosh, yes. Okay, it totally makes sense that I, the girl with the dark past, would be in love with the bad boy." Ash goes against her and Carlos brings him over.

Gadget turns away and looks at me annoyed. I laugh and cross my arms. This will be interesting.

"Do you know Maddox? She's hot for you." Carlos informs him and Gadget slams her book shut.

He laughs with amusement and looks at him. "Okay."

"But you, Jet, you have the hots for Sky." Carlos points at me with a smirk and Ash smiles wide.

"Um...." Me and him say quietly.

The door then opens and EJ rushes in. "Hey, Channing's here." He says in a weary voice then walks out.

Carlos sighs and turns to me. He does some breathing and Jet pats his shoulder. "Okay Sky to help this love thing happen, you now have the hots for Jet. So we have the two who like him but he doesn't like them back because he likes you and he doesn't know you like him back."

We all look at each other with a mix of emotions until Carlos is called away.

"I can't do this right now..." I say defeated and take a deep breath in and out then follow Carlos and jump off stage to stand next to EJ.

"Kill the lights please." EJ asks and everyone covers the windows.


I watch the young girls do their scene and laugh as they put stuff on Carlos. I can hear other people laughing and I look at EJ.

"Okay, okay stop. Turn on the lights." Carlos shouts and the music stops and the lights go on. He then starts to complain that the girls try to play it cool.

I then hear Gadget 'fake crying' and nearly burst out laughing. I then realise that they weren't at the pre-rehearsal. I feel bad they have no clue what is happening.

We then move to the next scene with Kourtney and Gina. Kourntey then sighs and whispers under her breath. Gina snaps her book shut and I move closer to them so I'm on camera.

"I'm so sorry. Can we cut? Are you really gonna deliver your line like that?" Kourtney judges Gina so they turn to each other.

"Oh if you wanna talk line readings, don't get me started." Gina faces the camera and Kourtney fake laughs and chucks her script.

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