Eighteen - Teams

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Sooo, I can't sleep. I have been up all night overthinking like usual. All the girls had their fun and all fell asleep and when I knew none of them were gonna hear me I snuck out. I am wandering around the camp trying to figure everything out.

A lot has happened today. I lost my best friend... EJ found out about my crush, me and Jet confessed our feelings and Mads and Jet fell out even more. But the thing keeping me up is that me and Jet said we like each other but never actually made anything official, we're not dating, he didn't ask me out, we haven't said we are dating and I don't know what to think. What if he likes me but doesn't want to be in a relationship with me because I'm weird or he doesn't actually like my personality like he said he does? What if he th8ngs I'm to needy and hates the thought of us actually dating?

I end up lost in my own mind that I don't realise my feet are taking me to the boys cabin. I stop once I realise and stare at the building, contemplating on what to do. I can't knock and ask to speak to one of them because they are all asleep, I can't go back now because the girls will wake up. Then I hear rustling in the bushes and hide behind a tree. I peer round to see two people with a camera. Probably Channing. They walk over and open the door so I rush over and look through the window. I wait then the light turns on and a horn is blown. I rush to the door and slam it open. Corbin and the Camera turn to me and i wince at the bright lights.

Corbin then honks it again and Ricky jumps of his bed shouting 'intruder'. EJ get's up and pulls him away as Corbin honks it towards him. "What if I didn't have a shirt on?" Carlos asks scared and worried.

"Carlos you always sleep with more than one shirt on, stop stressing. As for you two, people are trying to sleep what is the point of this?" I look between Corbin and Channing and they glare at me then face the boys again.

Corbin then spins round to me with confusion. "What are you even doing in here? This is a boys bunk." Channing spins the camera round to face me and I shove it away.

"I haven't slept and I was walking around camp until I saw you two break in here! Besides you filmed me behind a bush earlier with Jet next to me so you cant really argue me on this. Personal space exists you know." I shout at them and lean against the door, I take a deep breath and look at the boys.

"Hey, you, up!" Corbin shouts and honks the horn at Jet.

Everyone holds their ears and he jumps up in bed and a teddy falls out. I look at the floor and snatch it. It was a little duck that looks exactly like the one Mads got me this year for my birthday. I look at Jet with confusion. "Did you steal this from me?"

He jumps down and walks over to me and snatches it back. "No it's mine."

"It looks like the exact one Mads got me for my birthday this year.." I say slowly, still looking at it. Realisation seems to hit him and he opens his mouth to speak but Kourtney walks in.

She looks at Corbin and freaks, "I'm calling it. Corbin Bleu has officially lost his mind." She then looks at the boys and at me confused. She then spots the duck in Jet's hands and looks at me agian. "Cute duck. Isn't that Sky's?" I laugh and look at him. He shoves it up his top and I look back at Kourtney.

"Folks, we're two hours away from Camp Shallow Lake's most exciting tradition." Corbin then stands in front of us and faces the camera. Ricky is trying to get the ringing out his ear and I cross my arms, done with Corbin. "Tune in to see a bunch of theater kids get their heads out of the clouds and into the game." Corbin points at me and Jet while saying 'out of the cloud' and I sigh.

I look at Jet and his face has a slight blush to it. "I'm praying the game is chess." Carlos says while covering his body with his night gown.

"Report to the amphitheater a 8:00 a.m. sharp for a day of sports. It's Color War." He cheers to the camera and walks out leaving us all confused and scared.

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