Twenty Eight - Background!

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Miss Jenn is leading us to the rehearsal area and everyone is hyped. "Follow me and keep your energy contained. I'm told we have a special visitor meeting us in the rehearsal room." Miss Jenn explains and Kourt gasps.

"If it's Dani, somebody stop me from saying something stupid." She stresses and I look at her.

"If it's Mack, somebody stop me if I flirt with him." Carlos adds and we laugh.

When we round the corner there is tape with a guard. "Excuse me, Hi. My students and I need to get back to our rehearsal room." She lifts the tape but the guard stops her.

"No can do. This hall had been rented out by Homecoming to pre-light for a scene."

"But homecoming isn't like for a month." Ash says.

The guards ushers us forward to whisper to us. "Between us, Homecoming is the secret code name fo High School Musical 4."

He looks at us all and we all scream. Like lung breaking screams. He points at us smiling then Miss Jenn pulls him back in. "Between us, you should not be a security guard." He gives her a look and we manage to get in the rehearsal room.


"Everybody take a seat. I'm sorry we had to climb through the bushes. Ashlyn, I did not know you are allergic to shrubs." She picks out a leaf as she walks by and we all sit down. "Hopefully, whatever this is won't take too long."

The door then opens and Corbin walks out towards us. "Corbin's on the clock." He says and I groan.

"Mr Bleu?"

"All right, look, you guys, I'm gonna make this quick." He says.

"Is your helicopter waiting?" Ricky jokes and I snort.

"You're funny. It's a private jet." He points at Ricky then turns to us all. "I am aware that the Frozen documentary turned out..... differently than any of us expected." He explains and he all speak up.

"Seb isn't talking to me." Carlos starts.

"Big red is in Cairo for six months." Ash joins.

"My mom's first husband disappeared under mysterious circumstances." Emmy joins and we all look at her.

"And my boyfriend stop speaking to me for 2 months." I finish and change from Emmy.

"I hear you. And I think I found a way to make it up to you." We all look at him scared.

"Not another documentary crew. Please." Ash pleads for us.

"No. No, no. It's something way better. Allow me to invite some friends to explain." He says with a smile and turns around. "Lucas! Mo?" He then shouts and I grip onto Carlos.

"No. NO!" I say with excitement. They walk in and we all start cheering and screaming. Me and Kourt stand up and jump up and down with each other. I start to tear up and Kourt holds me close.

"Hey, Wildcats!" Lucas says and I can't hold the scream.

"Oh my god! Can I hug you? You literally were the one to get me out my shell!" I ask lucas and he gives me a big smile. He then walks over and I stand up and he gives me a hug.

"I'm glad I helped." He said and then let go and I sat down. Carlos and Kourt start to freak out with me and I wipe a tear.

Miss Jenn then sits next to Ricky to allow the three to explian.

"So, we want the fourth movie to feel authentic, a little bit more grounded and absolutely accessible to new generations." Mo explains first.

"So what's the plot of this movie, you ask?" Lucas says and Ash buts in.

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