Twelve - Movie Night

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We all get back to the barn to finish off the read-through and Ricky, Gina and Carlos are on the stage. Me and Gadget sit on the side and chat to each other until we hear them start.

"Um..... That was our day and now it is over. Thank you." EJ stutters and everyone awkwardly claps.

"Till next time Shallow Lake. Till next time Shallow Lake." Corbin says twice. Once to us and the second time into the camera.

They then stop the camera and EJ talks to Corbin. Ricky tried again to hug him and successfully got one.

"8:00p.m Don't be late, we're watching High School Musical 3 tonight!" Val informs everyone as she comes in.

"Unless I say to change it then yeah and no one can argue with me because Dewey loves me like a daughter so suck on that." I say sassily and everyone laughs.

"We're getting ready for the night of nights. The night of nights." Carlos sings as he steps off the stage.

I talk to Gadget for but longer about the show and props we need then we walk out talking about random stuff. I feel bad for her because I can tell how worried she is about her brother. I just wish he would show up so I can talk to him off again and see what is happening.


Movie time arrives, Me and Val are at the doors taking everyone's tickets. I then turn to see Gina and Val walking away from the doors but pay no mind to it. Once Gina is done talking I close my side of doors and then Val comes over.

"You okay?" I ask her.

She lets out a big sigh and looks at me. "You brother is a pain with secrets. He still hasn't told Gina about the letter."

I look at her then lean forward so no one listens. "Seriously he promised he would say something. He is so bad with secrets. Anyway if you want to go in and watch everyone then go I'm staying out here I don't feel like a movie right now."

"Thanks I appreciate it." And with that she walks off and closes the doors behind her.

I turn around and nearly bump into someones body. "Sorry. I wasn't looki-" I step back a bit and stop talking when I see Jet. "Oh, the bad boy, mysterious character, emo boy is back. Corbin will be thrilled." I say then walk away and over to a fence that overlooks the water.

I hear him walking towards me and sigh. "If it's okay, I really don't feel like talking. I just wanted to grab somethin' to eat." I hear him step back but before he can go further I turn around and lean my back against the fence instead.

"We were all worried you know. EJ, Ricky, me and even your sister. She may not talk to you but it doesn't mean she isnt going to worry." I cross my arms and he glares at me.

"Well I'm back now. Everyone can stop crying." His voice breaks slightly but I ignore it.

I walk over to him slowly and stand right in front of him. "You ditched all the cast on the first read-through and you couldn't even bother to tell anyone. First you walked out after your 'audition' which wasn't that bad. Then you ruin the campfulire story and now this... You should have at least told one of the boys and get them to not say anything until they were sure you were gone. It really isn't that hard. And I had to listen to EJ sng Love Is An Open Door with Gina, there relationship does not need more of a boost."

"Sounds like I'm pretty replaceable." He laughs then tries to walk past me.

I don't turn around to stop him. I don't hear footsteps so I turn around and see him hesitating at the handle. "You maybe be replaceable for the show but you're not replaceable as a friend. People need you, we need you, Mads needs you. You can't just walk away from that."

I then turn away and walk back to the fence and lean on it again to watch the water. I don't bother looking to see what he is doing but I know he hasn't gone in yet. When I feel a jacket lay over my shoulders I laugh and look down.

"You really should stop leaving with a jumper or jacket when it's this cold. You'll get sick." I hear Jet say quietly as he leans next to me.

I turn to him and see a small smile on his face. I turn back to the water and see the ripples flowing in the wind and the moon reflecting of it like a mirror. I look at the stars and I don't see a cloud in sight. Oh how can this boy can change my mood so quickly?

"I love looking outside at night, I always say each star is like another universal or parallel story for each of us that no one has seen yet. Then the moon is like the centre that keeps them all alive. It's so pretty." My eyes flick from star to star imagining the different outcomes of life I could have in each star.

"Yeah, so pretty." Jet whispers but I hear him. I don't know why no one knows how to actually whisper but oh well.

I look down at Jet to ask him a question but stop to see him already looking at me. "You were looking at me the whole time weren't you?" I ask him with a laugh, cheeks flushing red.

He gives me a big smile to answer me and I laugh looking down at my hands. Just like how they do in books. Is my life turning into a book or movie?

"Why do you care about me so much?" I finally ask him which catches him off guard.

He scrunches his brows cutely but still has a smile. "Can I not get to know a pretty girl?"

"Do you always have to answer a question with another question?" I fire back with a smile.

"Touché" he replies with a big smile.

I look back at the movie theatre and see Ash and Mads talking.

"Wanna go back to my room to talk for a bit so we're out of the cold? Just until the movie finishes." Jet asks suddenly. I whip my head to him and raise a brow at him.

The moonlight glows perfectly on his face and lights his face nicely. "Buy a girl a drink first." I joke and he smiles at me and laughs with me. "Sure, but if I get caught you get the blame. I will say you kidnapped me." I then start to overthink it slightly. What if this is caught on camera? What ifbsomeone actually does catch us? What will they think? What will Mads think?

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