Thirty Seven - Curtain Call

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We are all gathered around EJ as he is sat in a chair and we are trying to encourage him about the role while Emmy is doing his makeup.

"You're doing great EJ, Coach Bolton only has three more scene." I say with a hand on his shoulder.

"And I truly believe you can make up half the lines on the spot." Ash adds in a stressed voice.

"You will do fine. You are older than us and have done so many more plays. I have all faith in you." I say one more time.

Maddox then comes in and calls out. "Bro bear, Ricky, places for The Boys are Back." I turn to Jet and give him an excited smile and squeeze his hand.

"Go get 'em Chad." I say and he laughs at me.

"I'm here everybody! I'm here." Gina shouts as she runs in and my smile grows. At least not everything is ruined...

Jet gives me a kiss on the cheek then walks over to Ricky. I turn around and watch as they do EJ's makeup.

"Okay, let me see my number one nemesis." Miss Jenn walks over to us still in her outfit and I smile at her. "Coach Bolton." She puts a hand on her hip and leans to the side.

He spins around in his chair and he looks perfect. "It's Now or Never. Take two." he says and I squeal while jumping up and down. I give Emmy a hug for her good work and smile.


I go to the side of the stage and watch the boys do The Boys Are Back. I listen to their harmonies and a smile grows. I love hearing Jet's singing voice. It always warms my heart and it calms me down...

When the boys are done, Ricky does his scene with Gina. I lean into Jet's side and watch both of them. My heart starts to pound as I realise our scene is coming up. Miss Jenn decided to cut their scene in half to fit our scene in and that is a lot of pressure.

When Gina kisses Ricky on the cheek the lights go dark and they come off stage and they set up our place. They made a fake room for Taylor and put a piano on stage. I walk over and sit on the piano and the lights fade on. I push some random keys then let out a frustrated sigh in character. I hear a knock and turn my head to see Jet in his outfit. A small smile reaches my face and I look back at the piano. "Hey.."

"Oh no. I know that look. That's the same look you had when we found out Troy ditched us last summer. What's going on?" Jet sits next to me and I sigh and look up at the crowd after tehy laugh.

"I don't know. I'm just scared... I don't want to go to college without you, I can't handle long distance relationships." I say and look at Jet with sadness. The thing is, this is all true. This is from my heart.

Jet puts a hand over mine and squeezes it. "Everything is going to be okay. I know I'm just a basketball player that you fell for but as we got into plays I decided to write a song and I think this is the perfect time to play it." Jet says in character and we hold our stare then he turns to the keys. He pulls out papers and puts the sheet music on the piano.

He begins the melody to All Of Me and my heart rate increases. He presses the keys for about 10 seconds then begins to sing. 

"What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in, and you kicking me out, You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down What's going on in that beautiful mind?I'm on your magical mystery ride. And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright." 

He looks at me with a smile and continues with the song. "My head's under water, But I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind. 'Cause all of me. Loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me. I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning. Even when I lose, I'm winning." 

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