Nineteen - Let The Games Begin

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Me, Val and Dewey stand on the side of the court as Jet scores a hoop. Gina then suddenly get's hit with a basketball and is knocked out. We all surround her and try to see if she is okay then Carlos comes over and tries. She then starts to sing but it is kind of a mumble?

"I got this guys stand back." He says and holds his arms out for us to move back. Jet grabs my arm and lightly pulls me back and I nearly trip and I land against his chest. He wraps an arm around my waist and I smile at him as a thanks then focus back to Gina. Carlos then slaps her around the face.

She then groans and looks at Carlos, "Carlos? Wait, what happened?"

"I don't know. You fell over and you were sort of mumble-singing? It was super weird." Carlos explains and Kourtney leans forward .

"But you still have a chance to be the hero." She then pulls Gina up with the help of Carlos.

Jet then let's go off my waist and a shiver runs down my back at the lose of touch. "For the record, the Yellow Team is about to win." I tell her.

"Unless you can make one shot from the three point line. Good luck bestie."Carlos informs her with a smile.

Ricky then pointed the ball towards her with a smile. "You got this. Probably." He offers the ball to her and she looks at it for a moment.

She then takes it and Channing starts recording. She turns around and everyone cheers. She tells us to back up and once we do she starts to spin on one foot a few times then shoots and makes it.

"BLUE TEAM WINS!!!" Corbin shouts and everyone cheers for her. Ricky and Gina hug and we all freak out at her shot.


Dewey blows the whistle for everyone to gather for Dewey Says and we all gather. I stand next to him to make sure no one is cheating.

"Dewey says, hop on one foot." He speaks through the megaphone and everyone does as he says.

Ricky then puts his hand up without stopping. "Hey, Dewey is Simon gonna sue you for stealing his game?"

Dewey puts his hand on his hip and looks at Ricky, "I don't know Simon personally."

"Breaking news. Dewey Wood locks Simon of Simon Says in his basement." Ricky says moving his arms and Gina burst out laughing.

Dewey then laughs and blows his whistle. "You're out. Buh-bye." I laugh as Ricky walks to the side. "Dewey says stop." Everyone then does what he says and he then repeats his first order. "Dewey says put your hand on your head." Everyone does so and I look around. "Dewey says dance like you're at the Prom." Everyone dances but Ash stops. He then blows his whistle but she ignores him.

"Ash you're out. Sorry girl." She then walks away and he blows his whistle saying stop, he then gets another person out.

"Dewey says spin in a circle." Everyone does, "Simon says stop." Someone from Yellow stops and so does Gina and she walks off. Leaving Jet and Gadget left. He laughs and send them of the area. "Dewey says that's a great victory for the Yellow Team. Congrats, you two." I start clapping and cheering for them and they both have big smiles. She says something to him and he goes to give her a high five and she freezes but then does it with confusion. "Dewey says get ready for the climbing wall next. We're having fun."

I then walk away and walk over to Kourtney. Just in time to hear EJ. "I'll meet you guys there." He then goes to walk off but Ricky stops him and we all gather around him.

"Dude, where are you always going?" Ricky asks annoyed.

EJ turns around and looks at us all. "Just getting everything ready for the show." I roll my eyes at him and sigh.

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