Twenty Three - Let The Show Begin

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Waking up in my boyfriends arms in the morning is like a dream come true. Something I thought would never happen. Opening my eyes this morning to see Jet fast asleep makes my heart warm and beat fast like a drum. I look around the room, adjusting my eyes and look at the other boys. EJ and Carlos are already awake, while Ricky, Jet and the other two boys, who I don't know are still asleep. I look at EJ and he notices that I'm awake.

I give him a smile and turn my head on Jet's chest to look at him. "Good morning." I let out a yawn and EJ chuckles.

"Morning sis. Good night sleep?" He asks with a smirk.

"Haha you're so funny." I whisper so I don't wake Jet up.

He then comes over to me and holds the metal underneath the mattress. "I am happy for you Sky. Really. I'm glad someone had a good night last night and I'm happy that you are happy." He goes sentimental and I take my hand out from under Jet and shove EJ's shoulder

"It's too early for that, shut up." He chuckles at me and walks off somewhere.

I turn and rest my chin on Jet's chest to look at his face. I stay like that for about 2 minutes lost in my own thoughts until I feel and hear Jet speak. "Why are you just staring at me you creep?" His tired voice sends chills down my back and butterflies explode.

"Am I not allowed to look at my boyfriend?" I challenge and he chuckles, my whole body vibrating as he does.

I then try to move off him to stretch but he tightens his grip. I look at him and he opens his eyes. "Don't leave. I haven't even given you a kiss." Jet complains and I quietly laugh.

"I just need to stretch I'm not leaving just yet but I will soon, I have to get dressed and would rather not get dressed in a room of boys." I say and look around the room. The other two boys woke up just leaving Ricky still asleep.

Jet eventually lets me go and I sit over the edge of the bed and stretch. Jet sits up and pulls his knees up slightly. We both look around and everyone is just walking around trying to wake up. Jet then wipes his eyes and sits next to me. He grabs my hand and I look at him, he leans in and gives me a short but sweet kiss.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispers to me with a smile then kisses my nose. I let out a small laugh and blush. This man has so much power over me it can't be real.

"Good morning." I whisper back then I hear a groan.

We both turn to see EJ with a disgusted look. I raise an eyebrow at him and he crosses his arms. "That cannot happen around me again." He complains and I look at him with a 'are you serious' look.

"Then don't look or watch us. I had to deal with you and Gina the whole time so suck it up buttercup." I sass and he stiffens slightly at Gina's name. Everyone goes quiet and looks at him.

Carlos then walks out the bathroom and speaks, "Okay... Someone get the girls. I wanna wake Ricky up." He looks at us and no one volunteers.

He then looks at me and points. I raise my free hand and shake my head. "I am not going there and coming back again. I'm too tired for that." Carlos sighs and I hear Jet chuckle to himself.

Carlos then leaves and comes back 5 minutes later with the rest of the girls but Gina. Me and Jet jump of the bed and we all gather around Ricky. The girls start whispering so Carlos 'Sh's them. The girls make there way around the group and we walk closer to his bed.

"Shh! Okay, I'm gonna count to three." Carlos says and Kourtney sneaks next to him.

"On three or after three?" She asks, not taking her eyes of the sleeping boy.

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