Sixteen - Truth Is Spilt

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We see Carlos and a few others of to the side so we walk over to him. Kourtney pulls him away from the rest and she starts ranting about me and Jet and I look behind me in embarrassment to make sure he didn't hear. As if he can feel my eyes on him he turns and gives me a smile. I smile back then turn back to the two. Carlos starts freaking out as I blush and they both fan girl over it.

We then walk over to them, much to my disagreement and wait for EJ to arrive. Once he is here Carlos shushs us and we all turn to face him. He stands in the middle of us between Carlos and Kourtney and we watch Channing.

"Well, I underestimated you guys. What a mess." We all look scared and sad then he speaks again, "And I mean a mess in a award winning way. You were terrified. You guys should've seen your faces. That was good. All right, Channing out." he waves at us and walks away. Once he walks out Carlos stands in front of us and smiles.

He claps and points at us. "Congratulations, everyone. We did it." We all clap and me and Kourtney double high five.

"Thanks for being our fearless leader, Carlos. You have a very weird gift." Val thanks for everyone and he bows to her. We then start jumping up and down cheering his name. 

Channing then comes back in about 5 minutes later and hands us some wands and signs for everyone to hold. We all stay in place and Gina and Ricky walk in together laughing and smiling. I look next to me and place a hand on EJ's shoulder to reassure him. Jet then sits behind me and Ricky sits the other side of EJ in front of Kourtney. 

"Dude why is Gina mad at me?" EJ whispers to Ricky. 

" I think she's just coming down from the rehearsal." Ricky tells him. "The documentary means a lot to her you know." 

Ej sighs and looks down. "Right yeah. That makes sense." He then gets comfy and looks behind him. "All right, smile guys. We're almost home." I hold up my snow flake and put on a big smile. 

"Almost home as in Salt Lake or St. Louis?" Gina asks slyly. 

EJ's face drops and I look at him worried. I guess she found out herself. 

"Wait, What?" EJ  drops his prop and looks at her. I look over at Val and Mads to see if they said anything and Val looks scared.

"Oh are you confused? Welcome to the club." Gina gives a smile and EJ looks at me. 

I shrug and place a hand on his shoulder. "What's this about St. Louis?" Channing pushes and I give him a glare.

"Uh, It's where the World's Fair was held in 1940. It's a great city." EJ says quickly and I sigh in relief. At least he remembers the history. He then turns back to her and whispers. "Can we talk about this later?" 

She doesn't change her face and looks at him. "Do not. Get me started." EJ then turns back and Channign shouts 'smile'. 

I hold my wand up and smile and he takes a bunch of pictures. After about 20 pictures he drops the camera. "Thanks again. Great day you guys. The Bleu Man's gonna be so happy. I can call him that. 'Cause we're close, peace." He then walks out again and everyone starts to move about. 

"Well, that couldn't have gone longer." Ash moans and I stand up.

"I for one am looking forward to being reviled by America." Ricky moans and stands up.

I walk over to Carlos and stand next to him. "You know, a simple thank you, would do the trick."

"Guys, can we stop getting worked up over this? If we can't pull this summer together, then we're gonna have bigger problems than just labels on a poster. I gotta be Elsa by the end of the week, and If can't land that high E flat. Then they're gonna edit me out of the show" Kourtney stresses out and I pull her near me and give her a hug. 

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