Eight - Talking with Jet

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As soon as I left the room I realised I don't know where Jet is so I quickly go back into the room and ask EJ then leave again and head over to find Jet.

A mix of emotions are flooding me, why does he want to talk? What does he want? Why do I feel so nervous? Why is my heart beating as if I'm about to meet death? Why do I care so much? Why does he care so much to want to talk to me?

With all the questions I don't realise I'm at the spot until I hear water splash. I look up and see Jet wearing a t-shirt, jeans and a beanie. He has some stones in his hand and is skidding them across the water. Once I walk closer I lean against the tree behind him and just watch. Not in a creepy way, just admiring him.

The way his arm swings perfectly for the stone to glide on the water and the flick of his wrist when he lets go of the rock. Then the way the back of his hair bounces slightly during every swing.

"You going to stand there watching me the whole time or actually talk to me?" His voice echoes in my head and I realise I was staring for a bit longer than I would like to admit causing my cheeks to flush pink.

I quickly think of a response that won't make me sound weird and put on a smile, "You're the one who wanted to talk but if you don't want to anymore I can always go back to my room..." I say slowly and take one step backwards to make him say what he wanted me for.

He turns around and looks at me, then the water, then back at me and sighs. "I realised I don't actually know you. I saw you over the phone with Maddie but never had enough time to ask questions about yourself, and now I'm in a camp I don't want to be at with no time to do something I want."

I just stare at him in shock. Where has this come from? Why talk to me now when he had the whole of yesterday to talk to me or later in the week. Why now? Is he trying to get under Maddie's skin? "Well at least we both learnt that we are funny and sarcastic but knowing that you're Maddox's brother I think I know you more than you think. Don't tell her I said this but she talks about you a lot more then you think. And yes I know what happened between you two and it's dumb. Sorry not sorry."

I look at him and realise that he stopped with the stones and is stood there, hands in his pockets just listening to me speak, I think I see him check me out but I might just be tired.

"Fine. But I know nothing about you, all I know is you are my sister's best friend I see over the phone. Is it a crime to want to get to know you?" He asks with a small smirk.

I look him up and down to see if I can tell what he is doing and why this is happening but get nothing. "It's not a crime but I know it's a crime to be grumpy at camp and walk out after singing that damn good." 

"No it's not..." He smirks and I just look at him with a 'are you kidding' look. 

"Last I checked its in the handbook for musicals. Never walk out in an audition." I argue and he sighs. "Fine, what if I make you a deal?" I then relate back to his original conversation. 

He looks at me intrigued and it's his turn to check me out and I won't lie when I say my cheeks start to go red. "I'm listening but no promises that I will stick with it."

I laugh at his comment and get of the tree to stand in front of him. I stand about four feet away from him and look him the eyes. "You tell me tonight or later how you got so good at singing and I'll let you ask a few question to get to know me." I cross my arms and look at him, waiting for an answer.

"Deal." He walks closer and stands next to me so our shoulders are touching. He then turns his head and leans closer to my ear. "As long as you promise not to fall for me." A chill runs down my neck and I try to keep composed. I swallow the lump in my throat and turn to look at him. Only then do I realise how close he is. I feel his breath on my face and I look him in the eyes. 


He smirks then walks of leaving me in the woods by the lake.

What just happened? How did I do that? Where the hell did the confidence come from? Why did I say that? Why did I even agree to come here? What did I just get myself into? What will Mads think when she finds out?

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