Seventeen - Together?

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We walk out the door and see the two younger girls sitting on the steps.

"You overheard all of that in there didn't you?" Kourtney asks them as she sits next to them. I walk past her and stand in front of them and lean on the railing.

"I am very confused and I feel like I need a nap. Except I'm too old for naps." The red haired girl says.

Wow I really need their names.

"Honestly if that's what theater kids are like..." The other starts but I cut her off.

"It's not..."

"We think we should try something lower stakes. Like Olympic speed skating." The red hair says.

I sigh and look at my feet. I feel bad for these two. They only just joined and now they are overhearing at the wrong times.

"Look, we can be a lot but that's just who theater kids are. At the end of the day we..." Kourtney starts but gets interrupted.

"Slap each other?" The one with glasses asks.

I smile and laugh quietly, "Only if we're paid to." I say and she smiles at me.

"Look my mum sent me here to get me out of my shell but I understand why turtles spend so much time inside." Red hair says.

"Yeah I get it, it's quiet inside and there are good snacks. But we do love each other, we're just stressed because of the show and the truth always comes out one way." I stated.

Kourtney looks at me and nods. "It's worth it. Even when tensions get high, and you get uh, low. You'll be proud of who you are on opening night." She looks between them in hopes of convincing them.

"Your lip is trembling." Red hair says quickly and I laugh.

"I believe you." The glasses girl says which makes a smile grow on Kourtney's face.

I then turn to Kourntey and give her a smile. "I'm going to find Jet but I'll see you in the cabin?" She nods at me and I start to walk away until she calls me back. I turn around and she smirks.

"Try not to kiss him yet..." I roll my eyes and walk away to find him.


I look all around the camp until I find him sitting on a bench in front of a circle of rocks for a fire.

"How are you holding up?" I take a step closer then put my hands in my jacket pockets. He looks up at me with a weak smile but it falls just as quickly. "Surprised you haven't left like last time." I joke and he stands up.

"Don't. I would leave if I could." He then barges past me but I turn around and look at his back

I sigh and take my hands out. "Why are you always wanting to run?"

He turns to face me and sighs. "Let's just say Maddie doesn't think I was playing a role today. I've been a bad guy to her for a long time. As you know and it's eating me up. I don't know. It's hard to describe." I give him a sad smile and rub my arm.

"It helps sometimes for me to write a song or sing a song I already know to get my thoughts across. But I'm not saying you have too, it's just a suggestion." He gives me a small laugh, which I thought would be impossible considering the events but hey, I'll take what I get.

"Well sucks that I'm not you then. But thanks for trying." Jet then starts to walk away again.

I open my mouth to say something but then he stops. I close my mouth to see if he would turn around but he doesn't. "Was she right?" He let's his head drop and groans quietly. "Do you actually like me? Because a few people have said it now and I talked to Kourtney and she said to go for with you and apparently people already think we like each other so, I just want to clear it up" Jet turns around and looks at me and my cheeks flush. Did I say something wrong? Is this a bad time?

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