Twenty Seven - New Musicals?

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It's the night before school and me and Ash are trying to get our outfits ready for the morning. We decided to start with my clothes as she keeps stealing some and then we go to hers.

"Oh my god this is cute! Can I put this as one of my options?" She asks while holding one of my tops against herself.

I laugh without looking at her and flick through my clothes. "Sure, just don't ruin it."

"I personally suggest you wear my jacket I sent you so I can see you in it as I'm not there." Jet suggests through my phone.

I turn around and look at my phone propped up on my bed to see Jet laying on his stomach and looking at the camera with a smirk. Ever since apologising and us making up we have been calling, texting, face timing, you name it. The rest of summer actually turned around. He ended up sending me a package which had his camo jacket, his cologne and a blanket. I then sent him a package back with Twizzlers, a ring and a blue t-shirt. We decided it would be an apology exchange and now we act like it never happened.

"Stop saying that, you're gonna make me sad again!" I complain then flop next to my phone.

Ash then looks at me and holds up two dresses. "This one or this one." I look over and point to the second one then she looks at my phone "Please don't make your girlfriend expresso depresso. I cannot have her crying the night before school." She complains then puts her clothes in a pile. I laugh at her then stand up again and grab the jacket of my desk chair and put it on the bed. I then grab a grey top and a pair of leggings.

"Got my outfit, so now it's your turn." I say and sit down on my bed and grab my phone. Ash groans and walks out of my room. I look down at my phone then flop backwards again. "I really don't know how I'm going to survive without you. I might not even go the first day." I say then sit up. "Maybe I don't go the first day and delay the time." I look at my clothes as if they are a new invention and then look at my phone to see Jet with a smirk.

"Are you done?" I nod my head then grab my duck and put it on my lap. "Look you will be fine without me. I can visit on weekends if you miss me to much and you will see me every holiday." His voice is calm and collected so I close my eyes and breath in and out listening to his reassuring words.

"Okay... Thank you, I'm gonna go I think Ash is having trouble with her outfit." I look at my door then back at Jet. I give him a smile and he smiles back.

"Bye beautiful." The nickname sends chills down my back and my face goes pink.

"Bye," He waves then I end the call and chuck my phone on my bed and leave my room.


The next day I come into school with Ash next to me and we head straight to our lockers. I had mine moved next to hers as I was originally next to EJ. People came and asked for our pictures a few times but it wasn't that bad. Gina ends up finding us and joins us on our walk. Mads then texts Ash asking for advise.

"Okay, so, I think the move here is to wait till she texts you again. Then leave her on read, for like an hour. Then do the thumbs up reaction and turn your phone off. It'll drive her crazy, but in a good way." Ash speaks into her phone then sends the voice note off to her. Me and Gina chuckle at her and I roll my eyes.

"Are you, like, recording a podcast?" Gina asks confused.

We turn to our lockers and I face Gina. "No she is sending Mads voice memos." I say then open my locker behind Ashlyn.

"Kind of our thing." Ash explains then explains and goes back to texting. Gina then looks down and Ash looks at her. "What?"

"Oh no, I'm. Well, I think I'm just trying to figure out why you're ghostwriting texts for Maddox to send to her ex-girlfriend." She explains to her and Ash slams the locker with her first then opens it.

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