- 2: Slap At The Face That Eats Me -

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Izuku is shown a couple of pictures, most of them taken from far away. The supermarket has boarded up windows and doors. The uncovered glass gives nothing away, and even through the gaps all that is shown is darkness. 

He has seen this place a number of times in passing, but never once has he actually gone inside of it. He is even more curious, since no one has ever talked about this supermarket in detail before. Uraraka finishes her food with a satisfied smile on her face, then looks at the two of them.

 "Are you talking about that one with the eerie windows Tsu? That place gives me the creeps..."

Izuku holds the phone to her and looks at the pictures for a second before letting Izuku give Tsuyu her phone back. 

"I am!"

Iida takes Uraraka's bowl and stacks it with his own dishes, planning to put it in the bins of the lunchroom. Before he does so, he gives both Tsuyu and Izuku a look. One that Izuku would classify as his 'don't even think about doing that' look. 

"We aren't allowed to go inside. That would be trespassing, and we could get in serious trouble!"

Izuku and Tsuyu glance at each other, both probably thinking the same thing.

Tenya Iida wasn't a fan of breaking the rules, but he would follow them because he would worry that any one of them would get hurt.

So he was in.

Uraraka pats his shoulder, and Izuku tries not to smile wider when Iida physically stiffens and relaxes all in a millisecond, his face growing slightly flushed. All of this is known to the girl next to him, who just smiles brightly. 

"It'll be fine Iida! Besides, you need to go! What if something happens and we need your help?"

Iida looks at her before clearing his throat, pushing up his glasses.

"I... suppose that's a good point."

Uraraka giggles and puts her hands back in her lap, only to stand up from the table.

"I'll help you put the dishes away."

Iida gets up as well, grabbing a tray full of dishes while uraraka grabs the other one.

Todoroki holds up his empty bowl.

"Wait, can you take mine too?"

Iida nods and quickly grabs it, putting it on the tray and following Uraraka. As they go, Uraraka winks at Izuku, who discreetly gives her a thumbs up.

He looks back at Todoroki and smiles at him.

"You're coming too, right?"

Todoroki nods at him, his lips in a soft smile.

"Yeah. Besides,"

Todoroki takes something out of his pocket and puts it on the table, his eyes holding a small glint of mischief as he slides it towards the two. 

"I stole my dad's credit card again. It would be a waste if we didn't spend all the money on it."

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