- 11: Now Only Dogs Will Follow Me! -

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The rest of the night is free from strange things. They go get so much ice cream that Izuku is pretty sure he's never going to look at the treat the same way again, before they all go their separate ways. He caught Tsuyu rolling the cart with her, so he assumes she's keeping it. 

He walks home in the dim light of the streetlamps. He doesn't feel scared or anything since this is the way he gets home every time they have one of their adventures. Though he would be lying if he said he didn't feel like he was being watched at some points in time. 

He gets home, his mom already asleep. He sneaks back upstairs to his room, shutting the door closed behind him before getting into bed. It was until he woke up after only sleeping for an hour or two. It's still dark outside, and he can barely see. 

He blinks and rubs his eyes, trying to get them adjusted to the light. Since he's up, he might as well get some water before going back to bed. Unfortunately, that thought is quickly crushed due to him spotting something in the corner of his room. 

Sticking out against the dark wall in the corner of his room, the shadowy figure isn't hard to spot. Right when he sees it, he scrambles back so fast that his head hits the wall his bed is pushed against, and he lets out a small yell. 

It shatters the silence, and he quickly stops himself from screaming, keeping the blankets close to him. A voice in his head doesn't sound pleased about his reaction. 

"You're going to wake up your mom idiot. Then you'll just look like you're crazy or some shit." 

He isn't? 

He feels like this is sort of crazy. 

Actually, it's totally crazy! 

Why wouldn't this be crazy?! 

The creature he saw in the grocery store is now in his room, talking to him! Well, not talking to him but like, talking through his mind? Does that even make sense? It's not like anything that's happened so far made any sense, so this shouldn't be so surprising... 

Maybe he stuck to him? Is that what the deal was? What would happen now? Would other people be able to see it? Would it be following him around the rest of his life? What if people saw him talking to it and think he's crazy and lock him up somewhere?! 

What if his mom hears him talking to himself and- 

"Shut the hell up! I can barely think with you rambling a thousand words every second!" 

Izuku tenses up again and forces himself to be quiet, looking back at the shadow creature, whose form seems to weaver, almost like static. He clears his throat quietly, trying to at least get the ability to speak normal sentences back. 

"Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you. In my room. In the middle of the night."

He lets it sink in for a moment. 

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