- 5: How Do I Meet The Strangest Men? -

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Todoroki waves goodbye as Tsuyu pushes the cart into one of the aisles, with him inside of it. Iida watches, his face blank. He turns away. Izuku stifles a laugh behind his hand as Todoroki and Tsuyu disappear from his field of vision.

Iida turns to Izuku, a stern look on his face, his brows furrowed, and his eyes narrowed. Izuku smiles at him and glances at the aisles. Then, he sees something. Like a quick flash, its only there for a second. He feels a chill run down his spine. 

"Don't you dare leave too-" 

"Sorry Iida! I'll be right back!" 

Izuku goes down the aisle and Iida sighs, pushing up his glasses. Uraraka smiles at him, and Iida looks back at her, only to get flustered and look away. Uraraka laughs softly and pulls his hand, that bright smile still on her face. 

"It's just me and you now! Let's go check out some of the stuff." 

Iida relaxes and focuses on the contact for a bit as Uraraka pulls him in some random direction towards something. Everyone will be fine for a while, it's not like anyone else is here. He just needs to relax a bit. Izuku gets further and further into the aisle. 

Oddly enough, the food and products on the shelves are all put nicely, as if they are brand new and ready to be eaten. Izuku picks one up, a blue box with the words 'Rat Poison.' Though the thing that made him pick it up is that it also has the words 'Ready to eat!' on the front. 

He puts it back on the shelf and continues to walk, his footsteps echoing on the smooth floor. He looks ahead only to see more lights and more of the aisle. He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. 

"When i thought it would go on forever, i didn't actually believe it but damn, this is taking forever..." 

He turns a corner and looks up at the ceiling, seeing a speaker. He suddenly gets a chill down his spine, and he tenses up. His eyes stay on the dark ceiling, staring at the speaker as the humming of lights seems to almost intensify, ringing in his ears. 

He slowly turns his head, his green eyes landing on the shadowy figure from before. Standing over the aisle and almost touching the ceiling, Izuku has to slowly crane his neck to look at its face. Its long and lanky, but its eyes are piercing and red. 

it's like they are inferno's, staring into Izuku's very soul and trying to tear it out of him with just a single look. 

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