- Chapter 39 -

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Kacchan gets up and walks over him, almost kicking him in the face as he passes. Izuku glares, going to yell at him, but the blonde is already gone and going down the stairs. Izuku sighs and gets up, following him into the kitchen. Inko looks at them, a big smile on her face. 

"I made more than enough, so help yourselves!" 

Kacchan is at the table, placing down plates full of food and chopsticks with an uncharacteristic caution. Izuku smiles and goes to help him, but he gets a glare when his hand so much as grazes the table. 

He sits down instead, feeling slightly out of place just sitting as the other two continue to set everything up. Kacchan finishes and sits at the chair beside him, and inko soon joins them, still smiling. 

The smell of the food wafting up to Izuku's nose makes his mouth water, and he finally realizes how hungry he has been. Inko gives him a knowing look before she picks up her chopsticks and begins to eat. Izuku does the same, and Kacchan follows. 

He feels his taste buds explode, and he doesn't fight back the grin that stretches across his face. He looks at kacchan, and chews quickly before speaking. 

"Do you like it Kacchan? It's good huh?" 

The blonde glances at him and nods. 

"Yeah. It's good." 

Inko beams with pride. 

"I'm glad you think so! I used to make this all the time when my Izuku was a little baby!" 

Izuku takes another bite of his food, savoring it. 

"So, Bakugou, how are you liking school so far?" 

Kacchan puts his chopsticks down as he answers her. 

"It's fine, the extras are fucking annoying," 

Inkos eyes widen, and Izuku thinks for a second that she's going to scold him, before the smile goes back on her face and she says nothing. Huh. 

"And the teachers are annoying too, they made me stay late for some stupid fucking tour shit." 

Kacchan goes back to eating, and Izuku hopes that his mom will see that Kacchan isn't that bad. 

"I hope you know that Izuku will help you with anything you need! Right, Izuku?" 

They both look at him and he nods, mid bite. 

"I remember when I was in school, I had this classmate that would always try to get our teacher's attention! It was funny to watch then, but now that I think about it, that poor teacher must have been really confused!" 

Inko laughs and Izuku smiles at her. 

"I walked home with a bunch of my friends, so I wouldn't ever have to walk home alone- Oh! Speaking of which," 

Inko looks at Kacchan, 

"Will you be walking home with Izuku now? I'm sorry if that's a little strange to ask since you two have just met!" 

Without missing a beat, kacchan nods. 

"Yeah. We live in the same direction."

 Inko takes a relieved breath, her hand on her heart. 

"Oh, that's wonderful news! With all those poor kids going missing around town, I can't help but worry about Izuku walking alone!" 

Izuku tries to calm her worries. 

"Mom, I don't walk home alone. I walk with my friends." 

Inkos green eyes gleam with worry. 

"But that's only for part of the way! It's nice to know at least one person will be there the entire time you're walking home! But you should be careful too, Bakugou!" 

With that, the conversation goes to other things, the exciting promotion that Inko is celebrating, Izuku's school project, and Kacchans one-inch-thick packet of all the work he has to get done in order to catch up to everyone for the school year. 


"Deku, hurry the fuck up!" 

Izuku sluggishly goes down the stairs, his hair a mess and his backpack with only one strap hanging on his shoulder. 

"I'm going." 

Kacchan glares at him, already at the door ready to go. 

"Now that I'm here, you're not going to be late another day in your shitty life!" 

Izuku internally groans, already looking forward to it. He gets to the door and barely gets his shoes on before Kacchan forces him out the door. He gets his backpack on right, and slumps slightly, the two of them starting to walk. 

The morning air is cold, and the sun is slowly rising, casting its soft beams of light onto the sidewalk. Izuku does not find any of it nice at the moment, annoyed and tired. 

"Kacchan, we really didn't need to wake up so early..." 

Katsuki couldn't have looked more awake, red eyes bright as he looks down at him with his normal scowl. Izuku kind of hates how perfect he looks in the morning despite both of them being up late last night watching the second season of Golden Hero. 

He mentally reminds himself to hide the remote before he goes to bed so Kacchan can't get to it. 

"Your ass walks so fucking slow; we take longer to get to that hell you mortals call school!" 

Izuku forces himself to lift his feet as he walks, and rubs his eyes, his vision still hazy from sleep. 

"Well, I wouldn't be walking so slow if you didn't keep me up all night." 

Despite the blonde constantly telling him to shut up while they were watching the show together, every time Izuku would try to fall asleep, he would be shaken awake and asked a question like, 

'Deku, do I pause here to see that stupid easter egg shit you were talking about?!' 

'Nerd! Is this a reference to season one episode twenty?!' 

He's surprised his mom didn't wake up at all from all the yelling. Kacchan puts a hand in his hair roughly and pushes down. Izuku is beginning to realize that this is Kacchans favorite way of getting him to be quiet, because he's too busy struggling to stand up straight again to talk. 

"Not my fault your nerdy ass just happened to be in the room while I was watching T.V." 

"It's my room kacchan, and I was trying to sleep!" 

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