- 19: In Some Strange Department Store -

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Excitement surges through him at the thought of one of his best friends going with a date. to the dance. Todoroki doesn't say anything for a moment, his eyes drifting to the ground. His fingers are interlocked together, fidgeting slightly. 

Izuku would have missed it if he wasn't sitting so close to him. He seems... nervous? Izuku immediately shoves the thought away. There is no way Todoroki would be nervous to tell him anything! They're best friends! 

"Something like that." 

Izuku's curiosity is only increased. 

"Are you asking someone out? Do I know them?" 

Todoroki looks back at him, his eyes swirling with an emotion unfamiliar to Izuku. 

"Yeah. You do." 

The gravity of the words is strong and heavy. Izuku waits, waiting for Todoroki to continue. Maybe he's too shy to tell Izuku who he's going out with. He doesn't think he's ever seen him take any real interest in someone in a romantic way. 

That, or Izuku just hasn't seen it. If he had to guess, he would say Momo has the best chance of being the one Todoroki is going to the dance with. In an effort to find out more, he asks, 

"Are you two dating?" 

This question only makes Todoroki look away; his hands clasped together yet again. 

"No. Not yet." 

The shadow creature disappears finally. Problem is, when Izuku is finally relaxed enough to put all of his attention on Todoroki, the shadow creature is at the foot of the stairs, its body leaned down so its face is right in front of the side of his head. 

"Don't... Fucking... Ignore... me." 

The voice in his head is only one, the voice of a teenage boy. Izuku shivers, feeling slightly warm. Still, he wills himself to keep his eyes on Todoroki. 

"U-Um, you totally should ask them out! I'm a hundred percent positive anyone would be more than happy to date you!" 

He smiles at him, and Todoroki nods. 

"I guess if that's what you think, Midoriya, then..." 

He trails off and a buzzing fills Izuku's head. 

"Get the fuck up and leave or I'm going to blow your fucking head off asshole." 

At first, Izuku doesn't do anything despite the creatures seething tone. He tries to ignore the buzzing, but it only gets worse, making his ears ring. Before it can make his ears bleed, Izuku quickly stands up, his shoulders tense. 

He glares at the shadow creature, who is standing properly now. Todoroki looks at him, confusion and slight worry flickering in his gaze again. 

"Midoriya? Are you-" 

Izuku gives him a quick smile, already rushing off, the buzzing ebbing away the further he gets. 

"Sorry Todoroki, we'll talk more later, I'm gonna go to the bathroom before class starts!" 

He doesn't turn around as he races out of the hallway. He digs his fingernails into the palms of his hands and finally stops, turning around. The shadow creature looks down at him, a grin back on its face. 

"Don't get so pissed nerd. Don't ignore me next time and I won't have to threaten you." 

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