- Chapter 33 -

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 Kacchan grits out at him, and Izuku jumps, quickly handing him paper and a pen. 

"S-Sorry Kacchan. Here." 

Kacchan takes them without saying anything else and turns back around. The lesson continues, and Izuku finds himself not paying attention many times during the whole class period. Before he even knows it, class has ended and the bell for lunch rings. 

Everyone is moving around, and Izuku is still dazed out, staring at his blank notes paper with building dread. He doesn't even notice Todoroki until a chair is pulled up to his desk and a couple of filled out papers are placed next to him. 

He looks to his left, and Todoroki gives him a small smile. 

"I noticed you were dazed out most of the time. You can use my notes." 

Izuku feels a wave of emotion wash over him and he nearly cries. 


Izuku quickly starts to copy them down. 

"You're the best!" 

He's halfway done with the notes when Todoroki talks again. 

"Uraraka, Iida and Tsuyu went ahead to the lunchroom. They'll be back soon though. Uraraka is really excited about the dance coming up..."

Izuku's hand cramps slightly and he pushes through. How did Kacchan get here? Is he actually enrolled? What was Mr. Aizawa saying at the end of class? Is there a test? Will he have time to study? 

"--And I was wondering if you—" 

His mom will be so mad if he fails his test, and he doesn't even have a good excuse... He isn't going to fail! Someone must be free later to study with him, right? Someone who actually knows the material, like Momo. 

He knows Kirishima would be more than happy to study with him, but he's pretty sure he saw him doodling on his paper with Kaminari the whole time. He gets the last word down, his hand loosening up. 


He looks up again, relaxing. 


Todoroki's cheeks are slightly red, and he looks away. 

"Nothing. Ill um... tell you next time." 

Before he can ask what he means, Kacchans chair pushes out, hitting his desk. He looks at him, and Todoroki does too, slight annoyance in his eyes. 

"Hey, can you not do that? There are people trying to focus." 

Kacchan glares down at him, standing up completely now. For some reason, the anger on his face doesn't look like his typical annoyance, but something... deeper? 

"What the fuck did you say half'n'half? Deku isn't focusing on shit, look at him." 

Todoroki looks confused, and Izuku feels his heart speed up. Kacchan must have noticed him staring at him the whole time. 

"Deku? Who are you talking about?" 

If kacchan is here, it's definitely not a good thing. Not that he's not happy to see him here! Not at all! But the thought of having one of his classmates being in danger because of him makes him anxious. 

"None of your damn business!" 

Kacchans eyes are looking at him now, his anger ebbing slightly. Izuku guesses that he isn't doing a good job at hiding his thoughts and figures he might as well get the answers now. He stands up from his chair and gives Todoroki an apologetic look. 

"I have to talk to kacchan really quick. Thanks for your help, Todoroki." 

He briskly walks over to Kacchan, who is still glaring at Todoroki when he pulls him away. The two of them walk out of the classroom and down the hall, this part of the building temporarily empty since most students are in their classrooms or in the lunchroom. 

Izuku can hear the chattering from all the other classrooms around them when he gives Kacchan a stern look. He already looks like he saw this coming, hands in his pockets as he leans against the wall, looking down at him. He rolls his neck and groans. 

"Say the shit you wanna say and then never say it again, Deku." 

Izuku takes a deep breath before speaking. 

"Why are you here? Kacchan, I know that you want to go to the dance but it's not for a couple of weeks, I don't want you targeting any of my friends, I don't think I would be able to get over it if I saw you eating one of them! They are all really nice and I don't want to see them getting hurt." 

"Also, how did you get here? Are you registered? How did no one ask any questions about it?! Did you take your name from someone else?! If they find that out, then you could get in serious trouble! Holding this form for so long will make you hungrier right?! How-" 

Kacchan interrupts him. 

"Never mind. Sometimes I forget that you can talk for fucking ages. If it's such a problem for you, I won't eat any of your shitty classmates. I have taste. The only time I would eat any of these extras is if they pissed me off." 

Izuku doesn't feel comforted by that at all. Anything and everything pisses Kacchan off. He realizes that he said that out loud when Kacchan flicks his forehead. 

"That's not true shitty Deku!" 

He glares back at him, rubbing his forehead to get rid of the sting. 

"It is! You-!" 


Both him and Kacchan look to the left, Uraraka, Iida, and Tsuyu back from the lunchroom. Uraraka is staring at Kacchan with a confused and angry look, before looking back at Izuku.

"Are you okay? Why are you two fighting?" 

Izuku's cheeks flush and puts his hands up quickly. 

"We weren't fighting! Um..." 

Izuku glances at Kacchan for help and the blonde sighs, glaring at the other three. He puts his arm over Izuku's shoulders and leans into him. 

"Deku's my errand runner." 

Uraraka does not find this funny at all, and he sees Iida's hand clench, Tsuyu giving the blonde a dark look. He quickly jumps in, nudging Kacchan to shut it. 

"Childhood friends! Kacchan is my childhood friend." 

Kacchan glares down at him, putting more of his weight on him. Izuku's knees buckle, and he glares back at him. 

"Don't go putting yourself on the same level as me Deku. You've been my bread shuttle since we were in fucking diapers." 

Izuku isn't sure if he should be glad Kacchan is going along with it or angry that he's now a bread shuttle in this lie. 

"Kacchan I think you mean I've been your friend since diapers." 

The blonde stays silent for a second before he sighs. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever." 

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