- Chapter 61 -

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 It's even quieter now that no one else is around. He knows that it's just him and Katsuki in this entire building, if he doesn't count the other monsters that might be in here too. The air feels solid, like it would make any other sound sink into silence too.

Izuku starts to walk, going into the hall in front of him, past what used to be the reception desk. He counts the seconds that pass by. He wonders if the others are too, waiting for him to come back with some sort of news about their missing classmates.

He doesn't bother checking the closed rooms, like anyone searching for someone would do under normal circumstances. Except, these aren't normal circumstances. He already knows they're dead, and he wouldn't mind having some time to think before he sees Katsuki.

He doesn't know how he managed to eat both Mineta and the other underclassmen in such a short amount of time. Still, it wouldn't be surprising if he managed it easily. Maybe- Izuku is forced out of his thoughts when he sees the familiar open door.

The puddle of throw up is a dead giveaway, and he grimaces. Maybe Katsuki is still inside. He enters the room and finds nothing but the dirty floor and shelves.

No sign of Katsuki or the bodies.

He turns away and continues walking.

"Kacchan? Kacchan!"

He calls out every now and again, waiting for some type of answer. Sometimes, he thinks he sees shadows slinking against the walls and the floor, but they never do anything. He counts thirty minutes since he's been searching.

— K —

He keeps fucking pacing.


He had sensed everyone's soul leaving the building forever ago, including that annoying monster shit on half n half's shoulder. Of course, he knows that it is only going to get bigger the more Icy hot feeds it, but he could care less if it ends up consuming him completely.

That would be another problem gone. He stops walking, lingering in the hall. He knows Deku is looking for him, he can feel his soul pushing in the back of his mind, calling. He lets it take up his focus, and that's when he hears a distant voice yell out to him.


Deku is only getting closer to where he is. He is caught off guard by the feeling of panic that goes through him at the sound of his voice. He takes a deep breath, trying to get his shit together. He doesn't need to go stabbing everything around him right now.

That still doesn't help the pounding in his head, or the way his breaths come out shallow and quick. He doesn't want things to go the same way they did before, he doesn't want to see Izuku's back facing him as he leaves him.

It's like all of the feelings from his memories coming back are still lingering, leaving deep impressions in his mind that just won't go away. He feels his skin tear, ripping as black spikes pierce out he sees one stab into the wall in front of him.

"Kacchan, what..."

He turns his head and meets Deku's eyes.


— I —

There are black spikes coming out of Katsuki's body as he leans against the wall, panting heavily like he just ran a marathon. But Izuku can see the red marks around his eyes and the shining gleam of unshed tears beginning to build up.

"K-Kacchan, are you-"

He turns away, more spikes sprouting from his back and ripping his clothes. They pierce the other wall of the hallway, chipping the surface even more. He heaves, still trying to catch his breath against the wall.

"Stay the fuck away from me, Deku."

There is only a little hint of anger in his voice despite how distorted it is. Izuku stays where he is standing, his fists at his side. He's hyperventilating, quick puffs of air coming out of his mouth as the tears build up, finally falling down his face.

"Don't fucking look at me!"

More spikes come out, faster and longer this time. One of them is pointed in his direction, coming out of Katsuki's torso. It moves too fast for him to dodge it all the way. It cuts his arm, leaving a nasty gash that blood instantly starts to ooze from.

He winces and grips the open wound with his other hand, ignoring the way it quickly becomes stained with blood. Katsuki is looking at him, no longer leaning on the wall. Instead, he is trying to back up, to get away.

His face is flushed with tear tracks and redness, his eyes bloodshot. His skin is cracking with black lines, his clothes ripping more every time spikes burst from his skin. Izuku can't look away from him, and the twist his heart feels when he does leaves him speechless.

It all becomes clear to him in that moment.

His feet move, carrying him toward Katsuki as fast as he can. The blonde looks even more panicked with him approaching, his face twisting into a glare as tears run down his face. He tries to back up, but the spikes in the wall hold him in place.

"Go away!!"

The scream rings in his ears and lingers, but he still keeps going. Now that Katsuki is facing him, the spikes coming from his body are almost unavoidable. He doesn't stop running as he barely misses losing a limb or getting stabbed in his neck.

All of his focus is put into getting to Katsuki, to help him. His hand reaches out, just as another spike just misses him, and finally, he is able to pull him in. He can feel his shaking body against him, and his broken words in his ear.

"Let go of me... let go of me...."

The blonde cries, and Izuku wraps his arms around him tighter. The angle is awkward due to the spikes getting in the way, forcing Izuku to curve his body.

"It's okay Kacchan, it's okay."

The blonde still tries to push him away, but it's weak, only little shoves and curses. But his breathing steadies, and he stops crying. Slowly, the spikes begin to dissipate, and the cracks melt back under his skin. When the spikes disappear, Katsuki relaxes and leans against him, his arms kept at his side as Izuku hugs him.

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