- Chapter 43 -

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"Deku, move your fucking arm!" 

"Kacchan there isn't enough room!" 

"Then move over!" 

"I'm already pressed against the door; you want me to fall out?!" 

"Oh, my fucking god- Just, here!" 

Kacchan moves his arm, putting it up over so it rests near the back window of the car. It's a lot more comfortable, and Izuku is able to slightly scoot away from the door, so he isn't right up against it. 

Music is blasting from the car speakers, which is probably why Uraraka and Iida are the only ones who can hear them yelling at each other. Tsuyu and Todoroki are sitting at the front, Tsuyu driving and Todoroki riding in the passenger seat. 

The moment school was let out, Izuku texted his mom, went home and changed, got his stuff, and everyone piled into Tsuyu's car. Iida gives Kacchan a stern look, having to be the one to sit in between him and Uraraka. 

"I would appreciate it if you cut back on the swearing, Bakugou." 

"What did you fucking say?!" 

"I said, I would appreciate it if you cut back on the swearing!" 

"What the hell are you talking about four eyes?!" 

Izuku sighs and leans forward slightly. 

"Tsuyu, can you turn down the music?"

The girl doesn't take her eyes off of the road as she yells back. 


Izuku leans back and decides that there is no use talking. Kacchan looks away from Iida to look out the window, glaring at the many trees that they pass. They have been driving for only twenty minutes, and still have forty more to go. The sun is setting, casting an orange glow onto their surroundings. 

They are supposed to be meeting Kirishima and his group there, but they said they stopped for snacks last time Izuku checked. He feels his eye lids grow heavy, and he relaxes. Sleeping will make the drive seem shorter. He leans against the door and lets himself fall asleep. 


Someone is shaking his shoulder, and he wakes up. The sun is completely down now, outside pitch dark. 

"Nerd, wake up." 

He wipes his eyes and yawns, looking at Kacchan, who looks like he just woke up too. Doors open and close, and he hears the trunk being opened. Uraraka is at his window, her flashlight illuminating her face as she smiles at him, yelling so that he can hear her. 

"We're here Izuku!" 

He doesn't miss the glare she gives Kacchan when she leaves to go to the trunk. 

"What the hell is her deal." 

Kacchan grumbles and Izuku sighs. 

"Sorry. She'll warm up to you." 

"I doubt it." 

Izuku opens his door and steps out, kacchan following. He looks at the big gates of the asylum. They look rusted and old, and the pictures of the asylum are nothing compared to what it feels like in person. 

Even when they are a couple of feet away, there is a strong feeling of alertness that washes over him, like whatever is inside shouldn't be let out. Kacchan looks at it too, though with a more disgusted expression if anything. 

Izuku sees his hand flick up, and the feeling that they should get away from it is gone, like a pressure has been lifted. Tsuyu locks up the car and Todoroki closes the trunk with a thud. The gravel under their feet crunch as they start to get everything ready. 


Izuku turns and Todoroki hands him a flashlight, a second one already in his other hand. Kacchan glares. 

"Since you didn't bring yours last time." 

Izuku smiles and takes it, their fingers brushing slightly. 

"Thank you, Todoroki! You're a life saver!" 

"More like an ass kisser." 

Kacchan and Todoroki glare at each other, and the two of them start arguing. 

"What did you just say?" 

"You fucking heard me Icy hot. Why don't you clean Deku's fucking shoes while you're at it?" 

"I'm just helping him out, something you probably aren't used to doing." 

"Your so fucking lucky Deku is an oblivious idiot, it's so fucking obvious how much you want to-" 

"Shut up."

"What, don't want me to say it? Deku, Icy hot fucking-" 


Uraraka stops the two of them, glaring. 

"Both of you! Can't you two just-" 

A red truck pulls up, and from the cargo bed, Kaminari and Mina yell. 

"Hey guys!! Sorry we're late!"

"We got tons of snacks!" 

Kirishima parks the truck, and everyone gets out. Sero is holding a ton of plastic bags, and Mina and Kaminari climb out, holding their backpacks. The excitement of the second group pushes away the growing agitation that was forming. 

Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Mina excitedly hug and begin to talk, and Kirishima grins at everyone, patting Kacchan on the back. He gets a harsh glare in return. Sero, Iida, and Todoroki exchange hellos, and Kaminari is telling Izuku about the trip over here. 

"Dude getting into the back was not a good idea! It was freezing cold, and I thought I was going to die!"

Izuku laughs and from how cold Kaminaris hands are when he shakes him, he would have probably turned into an icicle if it weren't for his coat. Kaminaris eyes land on the asylum, and his face contorts, appalled. 

"Are we going in there?!"

 Kirishima nudges him with his shoulder. 

"Yeah! I told you we were!" 

"Yeah, but you didn't show me what it looked like! It looks so creepy dude! I'm waiting outside!" 

Kirishima looks a little worried. 

"If you want to, I could wait out here with you, but everyone else will be inside." 

Kaminari looks around at the dark and dense woods. 

"Um no, definitely not, let's go inside." 

Mina laughs and is the closest one to the gates. Her pink hair bounces as she walks backwards, giving Kaminari a reassuring smile. 

"it's okay Denk's, if anything happens, we'll be out in ten seconds flat!" 

Kaminaris shoulders sag, still looking dejected. 

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? I don't want anything to happen in general!" 

Sero clicks on his flashlight, looking pretty relaxed. 

"Chill dude, nothing will happen." 

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