- 21: Who Knows How Some People -

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"Izuku! Come on!" 

He gets out of bed and practically runs down the stairs, staggering to a halt to put on his shoes. Uraraka must have been yelling at the top of her lungs if he could hear her from all the way on the second floor. He opens the door after zipping up his coat, his friends standing at his porch. 

Uraraka has a big smile on her face, her brown hair tied up into a ponytail. The pink scarf around her neck instantly draws his attention with how bright it is. 

"We thought you fell asleep or something!"

Iida is holding Uraraka's hand, also bundled up for the predictably cold night that's ahead of them. Todoroki stands next to Izuku when he gets out the door. Izuku meets his eyes and smiles, and his face softens. 

Tsuyu, in the car right in front of Izuku's house, honks the horn loudly and yells from the driver seat. Her long green hair is tied up into space buns. 

"Let's get moving!" 

The four of them quickly get inside of the small vehicle, its engine rumbling smoothly despite the crack in the windshield, a few dents in the trunk, and one of the doors being impossible to open. Uraraka and Iida climb in first, sitting in the backseat. 

Todoroki pauses for a moment, but Izuku doesn't ask why when he gets in behind Uraraka. Once Todoroki is in the car, Tsuyu starts to drive. 

Izuku looks out of the window as they pass by his house. He glares at the front door, where the shadow creature stands, staring at him. After the whole... Izuku doesn't even know how to describe it– Threat seems like a good word to use– he refused to talk to the creature. 

Of course, it could always force him to, but it didn't. It made its displeasure clear by insulting him, calling him Deku, which he got the meaning of fairly quickly. 

'Deku, fucking answer me, you bastard.' 

The creature seethes in his mind. Izuku's phone buzzes in his pocket and he takes it out, ignoring the voice in his head. It's a text from his mom. 

'Mom: Hey Izu! Are you going out with your friends again? Well, when you get home, can you do the dishes? I'm spending some time out to relax so I'll be home late!' 

Izuku texts back. 

'Of course! Are you okay?' 

'Mom: Yeah, I just can't seem to get sleep lately! It's nothing to worry about, I'll see you if you're still awake when I get home!' 

The message is followed by a whole paragraph of hearts, and Izuku instantly messages back the same. Uraraka nudges his shoulder gently, her phone in her hand that's connected to the radio. 

"What song do you want next?" 

Izuku smiles at her. He's with his friends, he shouldn't worry about anything other than being out in the forest at night. This is supposed to be fun! All he has to do is ignore the shadow creature even if it keeps appearing in front of the road so close to the car Izuku almost thinks Tsuyu is going to run it over. 


Everything is going to be fine. 

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