- Chapter 48 -

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Deku is throwing up right on the book he just dropped. The sounds of him gasping and vomiting ring in his mind with a shocking clarity. He feels his hands relax, the grip on the leg loosening. He barely hears the leg land on the ground with a wet squelch. 

Deku seems to have the opposite problem, because he stares at it, green eyes blown wide. That pit is back with a vengeance, still not filled even when he's eaten. For some reason he feels like he's done something wrong. That's something he never thought he would feel. 

Like feeding to survive is something he shouldn't be doing. Deku is still breathing heavily even when he's done throwing up. Katsuki feels his form twist without his conscious permission. He's not hunched over anymore, back to looking like a normal human. 

He steps over the discarded leg, towards him. 

 "Deku, you-" 

"S-Stay there." 

Katsuki stops, still not even close to him. 

His body needs to be close. 

The thought surprises him, but the deep feeling inside of him insists that it's right. Still, he refuses to fully acknowledge it. Deku is glaring at him with fear in his eyes, which stands out against the tears in them. His eyes land back on the blood and the body part on the floor. 

"Deku, you need to calm down and listen to me for one fucking second-" 

"How am I supposed to calm down?! W-What if someone was around and saw what happened?! Everyone is going to be wondering where he went and what happened! Thats not even mentioning I am looking at the leg of a person I just saw alive! Oh god, I'm gonna-" 

Deku throws up again, but Katsuki keeps his feet planted on the ground. Deku is still heaving as Katsuki talks. 

"He wasn't one of your friends! Besides, it's not like he wasn't a gross ass pervert, I doubt anyone will miss him that much!" 

Deku backs up from the doorway, his hand shaking as he keeps his grip on his phone. 

"That doesn't mean that he-" 

Izuku looks away from the bloody floor and ripped off leg, right at Katsuki. He stares back, that dark feeling in his chest spiking once more as he registers just how terrified he is about all of this. 

Without saying anything, he staggers away from the door and starts to walk down the hall, disappearing from his sight. Katsuki goes to run after him, to chase him down and get him to understand that he needs to do this, that he has already agreed to not hurt any of his stupid friends and to not worry about that. But before he can make it out of the room, his head starts to feel like it's splitting in half. 

His form wavers, black spots appearing on his skin as he groans. He is forced to rest his head against the wall, but it doesn't help at all, the headache only getting worse. It's accompanied with flashes in his mind. 

Memories, from years ago, buried under the many other ones he's had since he was brought to this world centuries ago. He holds in a guttural scream, biting his arm hard enough to leave permanent marks as the pain gets so intense that his vision blacks out. 


He isn't sure if he ever was a human. He gave up on trying to figure it out after an hour or two. He didn't really think the others knew either. The others that wandered around just like him. They don't really talk to each other, so it's not like he could ask them even if he did want to know. 

Some don't even have the ability to do so, only making grunting noises or no noise at all. In the beginning, Katsuki just walked around. Before the humans came, the place he was confined to was a vast forest, full of lush bushes and flowing streams. 

That was all he saw, before he was forced to stop. He quickly realized that his body refused to go any further than the forest. The other creatures seemed to have the same problem. The first feeling he ever felt was hunger. 

That hunger was ebbed by the human flesh and their souls when they would settle down or get lost. He watched as his prison changed with time. First, the forest changed into a big village, full of humans. Back then, he was never hungry for long. Then, a city popped up. 

Then, the entire place was turned into something humans called a daycare. Grown humans would leave their brats there until they were done with whatever they were doing. The building was decorated with bright colors and slides and entire plastic playgrounds. 

Katsuki didn't really get what the human kids saw in all of the unnecessary things like ball pits and nap time. He stays drifting between the back of the play places, in the corner of the ball pits and under the slides. Sometimes, he let the children see him just to watch them scream and cry. 

When he was hungry, he would just take one of them, or even one of their parents. Katsuki stands in the corner of the playground. This is usually the area where no kids come, since there is nothing but plastic floor. 

The only good thing about it is that it's tucked away, and people can't see it from the main areas of the building. He's just drifting around, when he hears crying. He looks over at the small crawl space that lets kids crawl into this area and sees a kid. 

It has green hair that is fluffed up around its face, and green eyes that can't seem to hold in his tears. They roll down his face in fat puddles, and he doesn't seem to notice him there. He doesn't say anything, just watching him cry. He waits for a couple of minutes, but it just doesn't stop. Annoyed, he grits out, 

"Shut up! Why are you crying so loud?!"

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