- 3: Some Kind Of Animal Cannibal -

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Before Izuku can say anything, he is stopped. Uraraka must have somehow heard what was just said, because in an instant, she is back at the table, looking at the credit card like it was made out of gold. Iida is behind her and Izuku can already see the lecture dying in his throat.

Everyone knew how much of an asshole Todoroki's dad was.

"Shoto Todoroki. You are my god now."

The boy gives her a small smile as he lets her reach over to pick the card up, holding it like it's the most fragile thing in the world.

"Don't mention it."

The bell rings for the end of lunch and people start to move. Uraraka hands Todoroki the card back and he puts it in his pocket again, standing up.

Tsuyu stands too, typing quickly on her phone before putting it away, giving everyone a bright smile as she waves goodbye. Uraraka goes to her side, walking happily next to her as they go to class. Todoroki, Izuku, and Tenya all go to their classes. 


The five of them are walking out of the school grounds together, the chatter of other students going to the front of the school to walk home or wait for their rides getting fainter the further they walk away. 

Uraraka is in a good mood, which practically radiates off of her as she walks. Izuku catches Iida looking at her with a certain fondness and tries not to grin. Todoroki and Tsuyu are having a conversation with each other over the news from a couple weeks ago. 

Someone had gone missing a while ago, though police suspected that it was nothing but a runaway case. Izuku just relaxes, listening to everyone talking around him. It's nice being with everyone like this. 

It's one of the things Izuku loves about their hangouts, besides going out to places he's never been. When they are right in front of the abandoned supermarket, he feels adrenaline racing through his veins. It's just like the pictures, if not even better. 

There is a chain link fence surrounding the property, a big red sign reading, 'Do Not Trespass. Cameras In Use.' Iida instantly looks around, his eyes quickly darting in multiple directions. He spots three cameras, one on the light post and two on the building, facing the fence. 

Todoroki snaps a picture, Tsuyu and Uraraka putting up peace signs and grinning, the fence right in the picture. 

"Midoriya i don't think-" 

The cameras look extremely old, a pale yellow and facing more towards the ground than the actual fence. Izuku touches the chains of it with his hands then grips it, putting his shoes against the thing blocking his way. The fence gives in, bending back against his shoe. 

He pushes against it and begins to climb, the fence rattling as he does. 


Iida scrambles, moving towards the fence to try and stop him. 

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