- 26: Slap At The Face That Eats Me -

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Izuku's eyes meet red, and his breath catches. There is a person standing a couple of feet away from him. The person grins at him, bright red eyes having an unnatural glow to them. He has never seen this person in his entire life, but the grin that stretches across the guy's face is something that Izuku would be able to place in a second. 

"I'm surprised you actually followed me all the way out here. You really are an idiot."

 Izuku can't get any words out, just staring, his flashlight pointed right at him. He doesn't even know how he's supposed to react. It did mention changing forms before, but actually seeing it. Like this, it would be a thousand times easier to lure people over to him, especially when- 

"When what, Deku." 

He shuts his mouth when he realizes he was muttering all of that out loud, his face warming up. His muttering is a habit that he has wished he could get rid of for years. 


The creature rolls his eyes, the grin now replaced with an annoyed look. He pushes off of the tree that he was previously leaning on and walks over to him, hands in his pockets. After taking a closer look, he realizes something.

"Are those my sweatpants? And my shirt!" 

The creature shrugs, looking down at the stolen pieces of clothing.

"You weren't fucking using these! They were in the bottom of your dresser. These were the only things I could find without that stupid All Might guy, and," 

The creature flicks his forehead, making him glare back at him. 

"They look a fuck ton better on me." 

Izuku refrains from saying anything about that, looking away from the bright red eyes looking down at him. 

"Why did you lead me over here." 

The creature's lips curl up slightly. 

"It's a haunted forest, Deku, I don't think you came here to see some little marks on some shitty trees." 

That gets his attention, and he looks back at him. The creature's red eyes shine brighter. 

"I found something. A house. It reeks like ghosts or some shit. Wanna go see it?" 

Izuku tries not to show his excitement, but by the look he gets, he doesn't do a very good job. He feels sort of bad since Tsuyu and the rest of the group are still looking at the markings while he's here, not finding them very... thrilling. 

Still though, he can't ditch them just to follow this thing to a potentially dangerous house in the middle of the woods, right? 

"What's the catch?" 

The creature's eyes darken slightly. 

"Never fucking ignore me. And if you do, I'll take it as a breach of our agreement."

 Izuku assumes that means 'I'll save you for last as I eat the people you care about, shitty Deku.' Izuku decides to not press about how strange it is that it doesn't want to be ignored. But then again, these past couple of days have been anything but normal. 

"Okay. Deal." 

The creature grins. 

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