- Chapter 42 -

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They both get to the table and sit down, their trays thudding when they set them down. Uraraka beams at him, but her smile falters when she looks at Kacchan. The blonde is sitting close, their sides practically touching. 

Izuku doesn't really find it strange or uncomfortable, not bothering to move since he knows Kacchan would just follow right after. Todoroki is sitting across from Kacchan, which might be a very good idea. But Izuku's worries are put on pause when the stoic boy gives him a small smile. 

"We were just talking about where we should go next!" 

Tsuyu sighs, her silky hair cascading down her shoulders smoothly. 

"The last place didn't even have any ghosts." 

Izuku and Katsuki share a look before Tsuyu speaks again. 

"But I promise this one is definitely full of them!" 

Izuku is the first, sitting right next to her, to see her phone screen as she holds it out. Kacchan picks at his food slightly before eating. Iida is looking at him with a grossed out and appalled sort of look but doesn't say anything. 

Todoroki looks at him, pausing with his chopsticks heavy with cold soba noodles. A picture of an old, barricaded asylum. It's huge, with big, pointed gates at the front of the property, circling all around it. This picture is only from a bird's eye view, showing just how big the place is. 

"This asylum closed years ago, and no one has ever been inside of it! People say that when you get to it, it's like the building pushes you away!" 

Uraraka's lips frown slightly. 


Kacchan finishes the food in his mouth, his bowl now empty, and looks at the picture. 

"Looks fucking lame." 

Before Izuku can say anything, Todoroki is already speaking. 

"Then good thing you aren't invited." 

Kacchan harshly puts his chopsticks down, looking at the boy in front of him, his face contorted in a snarl. 

"Deku fucking invited me. Right?" 

Kacchan glares at him and Izuku nods quickly. 

"Yeah! Kacchan is really good at finding ghosts and scary stuff! It's really cool!" 

Kacchan looks back at Todoroki, a smug grin on his face. He puts an arm over Izuku's shoulders. Uraraka looks slightly displeased, but she tries to cover it up with another smile and a curt nod. 

"Alright... Well, it looks pretty big, so why don't we invite more people to? Like a big ghost search!" 

Iida looks at his girlfriend with a smile. 

"That sounds perfect! That way, we can search in pairs, and no one will get lost!" 

Tsuyu smiles, typing on her phone. 

"It sounds like you just want to be alone with he-" 

She doesn't even need to finish the sentence before Iida's face turns completely red and he's denying it loudly, while Uraraka laughs, her hand holding his. Kacchan rolls his eyes and stands up with his tray. 

"Come on Deku. Show me where to put this shit."

Izuku gets up and gets his own tray. 

"We'll be back!" 

He turns and starts to lead Kacchan to the tray return area. The blonde grimaces, 

"Are those two losers always that... gross." 

Izuku assumes he means Iida and Uraraka. 

"They aren't gross! They like each other!" 

Izuku neatly puts his tray and utensils in their respective places, Kacchan doing the same with smooth precision. 

"Like? What the fuck does liking each other have to do with all the sweet looks." 

Izuku looks at him, his brows furrowed in confusion, before his eyes widen slightly. 

"Oh. Well..." 

Izuku pauses, trying to find the best way to explain this. 

"It's a thing humans do! So, if you like someone, it could be in a lot of ways! If you just like them as a friend, or romantically! Those two are dating, so they like each other romantically." 

Kacchan looks down at him, the intensity of his red eyes easing slightly. 

"So, like kissing and shit?" 

Izuku instantly turns red. 

"Y-Yes, like that." 

Kacchan grins and leans over to him. 

"You wa-" 


Kirishima puts an arm over his shoulders, grinning ear to ear brightly. He sees Kacchans eyes narrow, the grin instantly falling off of his face. The red-haired teen radiates a bubbly energy that makes Izuku feel slightly lighter. He smiles back. 

"Hey Kirishima!" 

Izuku sees Mina, Kaminari, and Sero at their usual table, Kaminari passionately yelling about something Izuku can't make out, while the other two listen, commenting here and there. Kirishima looks at Kacchan and seems to get even more excited. 

"Hey Bakugou! I don't think we've met yet!" 

Kacchan is still glaring at his arm, a little zoned out. Kirishima's eyes widen before he laughs and his arm leaves Izuku's shoulders. Kacchans glare is now directed at him. 

"I'm Kirishima Eijiro! It's nice to meet you!" 

The redhead holds his hand out for a handshake, and Izuku looks at Kacchan hopefully. The blonde looks disgusted, a deep scowl on his face as he dismisses the gesture by putting his hands in his pockets. 

"Whatever. What the hell do you want, shitty hair." 

Kirishima's smile doesn't falter by the insult in the slightest, and he laughs again, putting his hand down. 

"Straight to the point, great! Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime! You seem really cool, and you're new, so-!" 

"Not fucking interested." 

Kacchan is already walking away, and Izuku screams internally. He looks at Kirishima, giving him an apologetic smile. 

"Sorry about that, Kirishima... But Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, Todoroki and I are going to an abandoned Asylum later! Kacchan will be there too, so if you and-!" 

Kirishima grins and nods excitedly. 

"I totally got what you're saying Mido! We'll see you there then, just text me the time and the address!" 


Kirishima laughs and Izuku quickly says goodbye, rushing over to the blonde who is already a good ways away. 

"Kacchan, Kirishima is bringing his friends! I promise you'll get along with them if you just try!" 

Kacchan rolls his eyes and takes his hands out of his pockets, slinging an arm over his shoulders again. 

"Fine, since you won't fucking shut up about it..."

Izuku smiles brightly, leaning into him slightly. 

"Thank you kacchan!" 

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