- 12: Is He following? -

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The shadowy creature doesn't sound at least a little interested in Izuku's inner turmoil, dismissing it like one would an insect. 

"Shit happens, get over it." 

Izuku's mood turns more towards annoyance than fear at that statement. He pulls his legs closer to him, and grumbles. 

"Well maybe it would help if you had a form that was less inconvenient." 

The shadow creature doesn't move from its spot in the corner, its body curving when it hits the wall, too big to fit into such a small space. "

Like hell I would ever do that, much less for a nerd like you." 

Izuku huffs and deems himself calm enough to get out of bed. His floorboards creak under him as he walks carefully to the door, past the shadow creature. 

"This is going to be a very fun night then." 

He opens the door and is met with the dark hallway. He leaves his room and goes down the stairs, keeping his pace slow so he doesn't fall down them. His heart beats out of his chest as he looks down at the darkness. He can barely even see down to the landing of the stairs.

He takes another careful step down. 

"I'm going to fucking laugh when you slip." 

Izuku doesn't turn around to see the creature, who has undoubtedly followed him. The thousands of different voices that the thing has are making Izuku's head hurt, though he doesn't comment on it. 

"I'm not going to-"

 His foot slides, and his body feels weightless for only a moment before he begins to slide down the stairs, the corners digging into his back as he falls the rest of the way down. Loud thuds sound before they stop with his descent to the floor, sore and temporarily disoriented, a feeling that is beginning to become normal with this creature. 

The laugh of a thousand different people rings in his ears, inside of his head. 

"Idiot! I fucking told you!" 

The creature's voice is distorted even further with its laughter, and Izuku groans, picking himself up again. He feels for the wall and gets back up on his feet. 

"Be quiet." 

He mutters, pausing to try and listen to any other sound other than the laughing. Nothing but his moms snoring. At least that's one good thing that's happened tonight. The last thing is his mom finding him talking to himself in the middle of the night. 

He starts to go to the kitchen, making sure not to bump into anything. The creatures laughing dies down, and Izuku's mind finally gets some sort of rest. He enters the kitchen, the cold floor so smooth that his socks almost make him slip again. He feels his way to the fridge and opens it.

The light from inside illuminates the kitchen, and also the shadow creature. It's still hunched over, its head still touching the ceiling, but now a smile is on the blank part of its head where a face should be. 

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