- Chapter 53 -

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He should have known that Izuku wouldn't question him about it. Like most children, he doesn't really think Izuku cares about the details when it comes to something he wants. That's why he doesn't feel any weight on his shoulders when they both leave the sleepy time section, hand in hand. 

The helper from before spots them coming out, probably waiting for them to check if Izuku calmed down or not. She smiles and walks over to them, her hands clasped together in front of her. 

"I'm so happy to see you're feeling better Midoriya! Now if you boys need anything at all, let me know!" 

Izuku, now able to talk right, gives her a polite but shy smile. 

"T-Thank you ma'am..." 

She pats their heads and goes back to helping the many other children. Izuku looks back at him, a big smile on his face. 

"Let's go play in the foam pit!" 

He doesn't have time to say anything before Izuku starts to pull him towards the foam pit despite him not even answering. He lets him though, too preoccupied with savoring the new feeling he is getting through their bond. He feels even stronger now and he can feel Izuku's emotions and thoughts clearer now. He wants to feel even more of it, wants-


Izuku jumps into the foam pit, bringing him down too. He lands on his stomach, limbs spread out. The foam cubes make it hard to move, steady enough to keep him from going to the bottom but not enough to keep him from sinking slowly. 

The feeling is uncomfortable and only gets worse as he tries to stand up, failing. Still, all the other kids look like they are having the time of their fucking lives, and it pisses him off. But he keeps his hold on Izuku's hand. 

He looks just as panicked, but there is still a smile on his face, only growing brighter as he laughs. He stops struggling and tries to help Izuku out of the foam pit once he manages to climb out. 


Hour's pass, full of climbing a lot of plastic ladders, slides, and crawling on the rough floor of the play places. When he starts to feel a little hungry, he takes a break to gorge himself on a kid going down a slide or climbing through an isolated tunnel. 

Izuku is always distracted with something to notice one kid going missing from the thousands of others all around them. He sometimes sees parents calling for their kids, unable to find them. 


Izuku calls him from the top of the slide, half of his body in it as he waits to slide down. 

"I'm going!" 

He crawls over to him, this part of the play place way too small to stand up all the way. He gets to the slide right when Izuku goes down, and he follows. Flashes of colors pass before his eyes as the slide twists and turns, and finally lands him down to the ground floor. 

Izuku is grinning at him, probably ready to go again, but a helper puts a hand on his shoulder, a warm smile on his face. 

"Midoriya, your mother is here to pick you up. Did you not hear the announcement?" 

In order to get the kids out of the play place when their parents show up, a message is played on the speakers to let them know to come out. Izuku looks a little sad for a second, 

"I'm sorry, i didn't..." 

The moment passes just as quickly as it came, since he brightens up, looking back at him with big green eyes. 

"Kacchan, my mama can take you to our house for the party!!" 

The helper looks at him, his smile slightly falling. 

"Let's make sure his parents are okay with that first, Midoriya."

Izuku nods quickly and grabs his hand, already leading him to the front of the building. 

"My mama is really nice Kacchan, you're going to love her!" 

Izuku is practically running, and he speeds up so he's running next to him. He sees the huge front desk with a small opening in it to let people through, and his skin gets goosebumps. He almost goes to dig his feet into the floor but stops himself. Instead, he keeps his eyes on Izuku. 


They pass through the opening and into the waiting area, where a green haired woman waits for them. She is standing tall, with a small smile on her face. She has bright green eyes that look full of life, despite the bags under them. 

Her smile grows when she sees Izuku, and she goes down and opens her arms in order to wrap him in a huge hug. Their hands are forced apart and he suddenly feels slightly disoriented. 

"Izuku! Did you have a good time baby? No problems?" 

She cups his face and looks at him, her eyes clouded with worry. Izuku shakes his head and looks like he can't contain his excitement, going up and down. 

"No! Me and Kacchan played a lot, it was fun! Mama, can we take Kacchan home for my party?! Please?" 

Izuku's mom furrows her brows in confusion, before looking at him. She relaxes and smiles at him. 

"Oh! It's so nice to meet you, Izuku talks so much about you!" 

He stares at her, not really knowing what to say. 

"Um... Nice to meet you too... Ma'am." 

He thinks that's right, and he seems to have given the right response because she laughs again. 

"So polite! Well, I have no problem taking you, but I need permission from your parents first. Do you think you can get them for me?" 

Izuku and him glance at each other. There is no way he can get his parents' permission because he doesn't even fucking have any! His mind searches for a solution, and he slowly nods. 

"Okay... Let me get my mom." 

He doesn't wait for a response as he bolts out of the lobby and back into the play place. He doesn't actually go that far, ducking into one of the corners before closing his eyes and focusing. It takes him a minute or two, but finally, he manages to get a picture in his head. 

A mother. 

He feels his form change, growing taller and more uncomfortable in the small play place. He quickly gets out and brushes himself off. He looks at himself and scowls. He just needs to suck it up for a couple of minutes... 

He walks back to the lobby, the heels on his feet extremely uncomfortable. He gets the hang of walking right when Izuku's mom comes into view. Her eyes light up and she stands up straight again.

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