- 8: Way Back When I -

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Come to think of it, everything it has done up till this point has been... Silent. He struggles to look at the creature and walk at the same time with how fast it is going. He decides to focus on keeping up. The floor is slightly slippery, so smooth and clean that its almost unsettling. 

"Not just you?" 

The shadowy creature does not even break its stride, staring forward. It doesn't even have a shadow that casts down on the area around them. The soft buzzing of the lights on the ceiling whisper dark secrets, though they are overpowered by the creature's voice. 

"Yeah. There are a lot of bastards in here. The place is huge so i don't run into them a lot but..."

 The creature stops walking, and Izuku follows, staggering to a halt. The voices from before coming back, and Izuku tries to talk to stop them. 


"Shut the hell up." 

The creature harshly whispers, and Izuku stiffens, quieting down. He unconsciously backs up behind the creature, peeking behind him to see what's approaching. The lights overhead begin to flicker even worse than before, and suddenly Izuku feels extremely cold. 

He shivers, putting his arms around himself as his eyes are glued forward in slightly fear and anticipation. His eyes widen and he feels himself shake as he watches the creature walk down the aisle. He takes a slow breath, a small puff of air visible due to the low temperature. 

The first thing he sees is an arm, slowly moving back and forth. Then, not quite like the creature next to him, its footsteps are audible, echoing around the isle they are in right now. Then, the rest of the creature comes into view, and Izuku feels his skin crawl with so much fear it keeps him rooted to the floor. 

It even feels as if he's breathing has stopped completely. Its skin is twisted and mangled, tight against its bones. Its body looks like it was stretched out and pulled, its head more of an oval shape. 

But the thing that Izuku can't take his eyes from is the giant mouth in the middle of its head, where a face should have been. Its mouth is open, drool leaking from it. Its teeth are sharp and shine slightly under the supermarket lights. 

The creature stops walking, right in the middle of passing to the next aisle, 

"What the hell are you doing idiot?!" 

The creature next to him seethes, and pushes him back, his hand covering Izuku's entire face. His heart leaps into his throat as the feeling of the creature's hand seems to consume him. It feels like a thousand different slimy, cold hands are touching his face, and it sends shivers down his spine. 

Fresh Flesh (Bkdk, Dkbk)Where stories live. Discover now