- Chapter 41 -

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The rest of the school day goes by as normally as it can. Luckily, Kacchan and Todoroki don't talk to each other again, so there aren't any more arguments. Lunch rolls around, and Izuku knows that his peace is short-lived. 

Kacchan is immediately up out of his seat the moment the teacher walks out of the classroom. The back of his chair practically slams into the front of Izuku's desk, something he knows he will have to get used to. 

Still, before he can even scold him, he's being pulled out of his seat and forced out the door and into the crowded hallway. 

"Come on Deku, show me how to get this shitty lunch." 

Izuku speeds up, now walking next to him as they enter the packed lunchroom. There is chatter everywhere, students sitting at tables or standing against the walls. There is a long line in every section where the food is being handed out. 

"You don't even need to eat human f-" 

"Who gives a shit about that?! I just wanna see what they got in this hell hole." 

Kacchan takes him to one of the lunch lines, and he's pretty sure the blonde didn't even check the food being served. His hand is still gripping his own and he sighs, deciding to just go with it. Even when everything around them is so busy, he notices Kacchan looking around a lot, almost like he's looking for something or someone. 

"Kacchan, what are you doing?" 

Red eyes glare at him and go back to looking at the cafeteria door.

 "Stupid Icy hot is going to pop up somewhere, I just fucking know it! And when he does, I'll be ready to kick his ass!" 

Izuku's eyes scan the huge room and see Uraraka and the rest of the group, including Todoroki, sitting at their usual table. 

"I don't get why the two of you are fighting kacchan, you don't even know each other!" 

The line moves forward and Kacchan takes him along, keeping their arms pressed together. 

"Thats not the fucking point Deku! I know all I need to know about a bastard like that!" 

Izuku wants everyone to get along, but maybe getting Todoroki and Kacchan to be friends is going to be harder than he first thought. Izuku spots Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina a couple of feet away, in a different line. Izuku turns back to Kacchan and beams at him. 

The blonde looks at him, pausing his search. 

"Hey! Why don't you go and talk to Kirishima and his friends? They're all really fun! Go say hi and I'll wait in line!" 

Kacchan clicks his tongue, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. 

"Why the fuck would I do that? I already told you that I don't need fucking extras following me around!" 

Izuku's other hand moves, gesturing as he talks. 

"Well think about it! Kirishima and Mina are really popular, which means they go to a lot of parties and stuff! There are always bad people at things like that! You know, one time, this guy was cornering these freshmen, being all shady!"

"Then it turns out that he had a bunch of knives, it was all over the news, who knows what he would have done if Sero didn't spot him and called someone! It was really scary, but luckily, he never got the chance to hurt anyone, then-"


"The point is it would be easier to eat people who..." 

Kacchan grins at him. 

"Deserve it?"

 Izuku looks away, the line moving forward. 

"Sure. If that's how you wanna put it."

The blonde snickers, squeezing his hand. Izuku stands on the tips of his toes to see over the heads of the many other students in front of them. 

"Looks like this line is Curry kacchan!" 

Kacchan doesn't need to do anything to see the menu.

 "Is it spicy?" 

Izuku nods, swinging their arms gently. 

"It can be. Do you like spicy things, kacchan?" 

The blonde grins down at him. 

"Hell yeah! The spicier, the better I can actually fucking taste it." 

Izuku hums, furrowing his brows slightly. 

"So, you can only taste things if they're super strong? What if you ate a whole lemon?" 

Kacchan sighs and uses his other hand to ruffle his hair. 

"Yes, I would taste it, but why the fuck would I want to?" 

Izuku laughs, and Kacchans hand doesn't leave his hair. 

"Just so we can see what happens!" 

"You think I'm going to blow up or some shit?!" 

"Who knows, have you ever tried it?" 

The line continues until they finally get to have their food, and they look for a seat.

"Kacchan, is there anywhere you want to sit?" 

Kacchan grimaces, his tray in his hands. The amount of spice coming from his plate alone makes Izuku's eyes water if he looks at it too long. 

"Wherever there aren't any fucking extras around." 

He doesn't think there is any place without people around, but by the look on the others face, he isn't going to really like that answer. Right when he's thinking of where they could go, he hears a certain voice yelling, almost covered by the rest of the loud lunchroom. 

"Izuku! Over here!" 

He looks over at his normal table, where Uraraka is standing up, waving her arm and calling him over. Todoroki is looking coldly at Kacchan, who glares back. 

"Oh, hell no, who the fuck does that asshole think he's glaring at?!" 

Izuku gives him a weak smile. 

"Maybe he's looking at something else?" 

Katsuki gives him a short glare. 

"Okay, okay, he's definitely looking at you. But maybe if we go over, we can sort this whole thing out, and you'll get along!" 

Izuku gives him a big smile. 

"Deku, that..." 

Kacchan looks back at him again, staring for a couple of seconds, before his shoulders untense and he sighs. He rolls his eyes and takes a step in the direction of the table.

"Fine. But if that bastard says some shit, I'm not going to sit there quietly." 

Izuku internally celebrates, following him. 

"Thank you! I promise they'll be nice!" 

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