- Chapter 46 -

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Moss and vegetation grow against and around the ground of the building, the dark bricks accented with shades of dark green. The clear area around the property does not help see around them at all, and Izuku has to strain his eyes if he wants to try and see any further than a couple of feet around them. 

Luckily, Kacchan doesn't seem to have that problem, guiding Izuku around the building for a couple of minutes until they stop. 

"It's this door right here."

He has to focus his eyes to see what Kacchan is facing. Right in front of them is a steel door. It's rusted and old, but even then, it looks like it would stand tall even if a bomb hit it. Izuku walks closer to it and puts his hand on the surface, the cool steel a clear contrast to his warm flesh. 

He wonders how they will even get inside, but Kacchan puts his hand on the door, and it has an immediate reaction. With a long, drawn-out groan, the door opens, slamming dully on a wall on the other side. 

Beyond the door is a tunnel that looks like it will only fit the two of them if they walk behind each other. A gust of wind blows from inside of it, sending chills down Izuku's spine and blowing Kacchans hair back slightly. 

The blonde grins at him as he passes the threshold, going into the dark tunnel. Izuku follows, gripping his hand tightly. It's an extremely tight fit, and Izuku has to remind himself to keep his breathing steady, his back and chest pressed against the wall as the two of them move. 

He looks back at the entrance and has to suppress a yell as he watches the door close. 

"Kacchan, this isn't really-" 

Izuku takes another deep breath of dusty air, 

"What I thought of when you said you had something to show me." 

Kacchan doesn't turn his head, continuing to walk, his other hand pressed against the wall. 

"Just give it a second Deku, this shit is supposed to open up eventually." 

Izuku doesn't say anything, trying to keep his attention on something other than the spiderwebs gathering on his pants as he walks through them or the dust that rises from the bricks of the wall every time Kacchans hand brushes against it.

Finally, after what feels like years of his life, the tunnel opens up into a room. Izuku takes a deep breath of that cleaner air, feeling the dust exit his lungs happily. He stretches out his arms and legs, grateful for being able to do so.

"I thought I was going to die in there!" 

Kacchan brushes off some spider web from his hair, his face scrunched up in disgust. 

"Fucking tell me about it, that was fucking disgusting." 

Izuku stands still while holding his breath as Kacchan flicks a big fat spider off of his shoulder. He looks around the room, not being able to see much. Even then, it doesn't take forever for him to realize where they are now. 

The padded walls and the door with no handle are enough to key him in. Izuku takes out his phone and turns on the flashlight, illuminating some of the space slightly. 


Kacchan is already looking around for something, prodding at the floor. 

"What are you doing Kacchan?" 

The blonde seems to find what he's looking for, because he slams his foot into the old worn-down floor, which breaks with a crack.

 "Getting a souvenir." 

Izuku points the flashlight into the hole when Kacchan pulls his foot out of it. There is a small wooden box, which Kacchan pulls out. 

"Check this shit out, nerd." 

He brushes the cobwebs off of it before opening it. Inside of it is a rusted ring, a couple of yellowing photographs, and a leather book. Izuku takes the book and opens it up. The old ink is slightly legible, and the first page lets him know what this book has inside of it.

It's a diary of one of the patients, a short introduction of themselves written on the first page. Izuku looks at Kacchan, who has a smug grin on his face, then back at the book. 

"Since I know you're a nerd for this kind of shit." 

Izuku makes sure to be careful with it as he holds it in one hand. 

"How did you know this was here kacchan? I can't wait to read all of it!" 

Kacchan shrugs, his eyes flickering to the book and then back to his face. 

"I didn't. I just followed the smell. That isn't haunted, but this shit," 

He holds the ring and chucks it somewhere. It clinks against the furthest corner of the room. 

"Definitely is." 

He drops the box onto the floor and steps on it as he leads Izuku to the door with no lock. Izuku hopes that they don't have to go through the tight tunnel again, or else his soul is going to leave his body. Kacchan puts his hand on the door before it opens, letting them out. 

They are back to the 'normal' part of the asylum, the parts open to everyone else. 

"Should we look for everyone else?" 

Kacchan pulls him forward, the two of them walking. 

"Hell no, those extras would just drag us down. Let's go look for more shit." 

Izuku's mouth twists into a small frown at the underlying distaste in Kacchans voice. He stops and has to dig his heels into the ground to get Kacchan to stop walking too. 

"They wouldn't! Besides I really think you should get to know more people, for your sake, what if your found out because-" 

"I don't give a shit, I don't want to stick around mortals more than I fucking have to." 


Kacchan looks back at him, his face contorted into a scowl. 

"Deku, just fucking drop it!" 

Izuku doesn't say anything, surprised and slightly annoyed. 

"I'm just trying to help, Kacchan." 

"And I don't fucking need it. The only thing I need you to do is fucking stay out of my way. You're just something I have to stick to in order to get souls, so act like it." 

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