Our Little Secret

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15 year old, Pablo and Melissa sat on the couch; heads down as their parents scolded them.
Tears streaming down the young girls face as the four adults most literally called them stupid and irresponsible.
Pablo glances over at his girlfriend, gently taking her hand in his trying to comfort her the best he could right now.
"I'm sorry." Melissa's voice cracks.

Her mother shakes her head taking deep breaths, trying her best to calm down.
"What's done is done." She mutters angrily, leaving the room, only leaving the girls father and the boys parents.

The 3 adults stare at the kids in disappointment.
They were only 15...they were too young.
"Please don't be mad at her..I was the one that was stupid and convinced her it would be okay without protection." Pablo pleads, gripping onto her hand.
Melissa shakes her head. "It takes two Pablo."
Pablo's mothers steps closer to the two kids, kneeling down in front of them.
"I'm very disappointed in the both of you..but what's done is done and we can't change the pass. Just know that whatever happens we will be here to help you." She whispers sadly.
Melissa nods, wiping her tears off her face as she watches the older lady stand up. "Thank you." she whispers.
Her dad walks over, taking where Pablo's mother was just settled, he reaches over cupping his little girls face. "She hates me" she tells him.
Her dad shakes his head, gently rubbing his daughters cheek. "I'll talk to her..she's just in shock Mija" he says softly.
"We'll get through this" he says looking around, getting slow nods from everyone.
"Everything will be okay."


8 months later

"But I'm only 34 weeks."the young girl says in a panic. Pain cruises through her body.
She glanced worried at her boyfriend who stood there in shock that the doctor just told him he doesn't have those 6 weeks left to prepare.
"we tried holding it back but it seems like your baby girl wants out." he says as him and the nurses start to move her so she could get takes to the delivery room.
"Pablo." she reaches out desperately for his hand, which he quickly connected with her.
"You're going to be okay Mija, I love you so much." she hears her dad says as she gets moved away.

Getting her settled into her room, leaving as they gather everything they need and to give them some last minute of peace and quiet.

Pablo sits on the hospital chair, still yet to say anything but only offers his hand and a few forehead kisses here and there.
In the room it was only the two teens and Pablo mother.
Her mother had refused to talk to her ever since that night and it honestly broke her heart how her own mom couldn't even look at her.
But she was grateful for Mrs Gavira. She was grateful for all the tips and advice she gave her..how she let the girl move in so things could be easier and so she didn't have to deal with her mom everyday.
Melissa groans feeling a contraction. "What if something goes wrong..it's too early." she panics.
Pablo's mom walks over, taking her hand. "I know it's scary but everything will be just fine Mija...I'll give you guys a little privacy" she whispers, leaning in to kiss her sons head. Whispering something into his ear before walking out.

Pablo glances at his girlfriend who sat there in pain. He stands up, gently pulling her into a hug, as she buried her face in his chest. "It hurts." she cries.
Pablo kisses the top of her head as he gently rubs her back. "I know, amor" he whispers.
"You're doing so good, just a few more minutes." he tries to make her feel better but, he has a feeling he failed miserably.

A knock sounds from the door. The doctor and a bunch of nurses with everything walking into the room, quietly getting everything settled.
Pablo's mom returns to her spot, making sure not to disturb everyone.
"Are you ready?" Her doctor asks, leveling the bed down.

Moments later

"Oh my god." Pablo breathes out as he stares as the baby gets placed onto his girlfriends chest.
Melissa looks down at the baby, admiring the little creature before glancing up at Pablo with tears in her eyes.
Pablo's leans a down, placing soft kisses against Melissa's hair line. "You did amazing amor...she perfect" his says, tears of his own starting to slowly stream down his face.

A/n: anyways...don't know if y'all will like this. No I'm not done with the other story but that's fine 😚

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