Pablo sat on his bed scrolling through Tiktok as he waited for himself too calm down.
He wasn't 100% sure why he was so bothered by Melissa checking up on him but he just knew that it wasn't necessary.
He groans throwing his phone across the bed when the 10th Tiktok about him and Melissa pops up.
He hears a small knock on the door, followed by a small voice.
"Papa" the voice of his daughter calls out.
Pablo takes a deep breath before standing up and opening the door.
His eyes meeting the little girls as he opened the door and looks down. At the sight of her father her eyes light up.
"Food" she whispers, handing a granola bar up to Pablo.
He smiles softly and takes it. "Thank you mi amor"
Running into the room, Stela tries her best to jump onto her parents bed.
Unable to, she looks over at her dad who watched her.
She lifts her arms up.
He walks over to her before picking her up and setting her down on the bed.
He gets back into his spot as he eats his granola bar and watches his 2 year old jump around his bed.
"Did you come upstairs alone?" The two year old stops jumping and turns to look at her.
She shakes her bed before throwing herself onto him.
Pablo quickly catches her, which caused her to giggle.
"Mama help" she says cuddling into her dads chest.
Nodding he holds her closer, pressing small kisses to her forehead.
The two cuddle on the bed for a while, Pablo at the edge of falling asleep.
He hears the bedroom door open, but doesn't bother opening his eyes.
Hearing shuffling around the room, he only holds Estela to him.
Feeling as her small body slightly twitched above him. She must be dreaming.
He feels the side of the bed next to him dip, the weight against his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he's meet with his girlfriend. He leans his head down onto hers closing his eyes again. "Perdóname" he whispers.
Melissa doesn't say anything just simply cuddles closer to the boy next to her, letting his arm wrap around her.
He softly kisses to the top of her head as she gets comfortable in her spot.
"There's food in the microwave, waiting to be heated up" the girl whispers.
Pablo softly smiles, holding her closer to him.
Melissa places her arm over Pablo, letting her hand rest on top of his which rest on Estela's back to keep her in place.
"I have a meeting tomorrow with the modeling agency, they want to talk more about rules stuff like that " she whispers to him.
Pablo hums before asking. "time?"
The two stays quiet for a couple of minutes just enjoy the stress free moment around then before able finally decide to speak up. Having felt a little guilty for what happened earlier.

"Y mi perdonas?" Pablo asks again.
Melissa mentally groans. "No" she tells him.
"Como que no?"
"No, porque no mi quieres dicer porqué estás enojado" she whispers at him.
"I'm not mad" he argues.

"Well something is bothering you" she shoots back.
Pablo rolls his eyes. "Me being mad and me being bothered are two different things"
"Same difference, you're upset"

Pablo sighs, shrugging Melissa off of him before slowly getting up with Estela in his arms before walking out of the bed room then coming back a few moments layers without her. Having laid her down in her room.
He closes the door, locking it behind him just in case Estela woke up and tried to come in and they happen to be arguing.
She doesn't need to see that.
Melissa sits up on the bed crossing her legs and she faces Pablo who stood at the door.
"Do you want to explain?" she asks

Pablo sighs again. "I'm fine, mi amor" he lies, walking over to his closest. Pulling out a random hoodie and putting it on.
"But you're not, I can tell" she says to him.

"Please" she says.

Pablo shakes his head at her starting to get slightly fed up with her asking.
"Pablo if someone is bothering you, you can tell me" Melissa reminds him.
"Nada mi pasa" he says crossing his arms.

"Don't lie" Melissa whispers yells getting irritated and slightly nervous. What was he hiding? Did she do something? Did he do something? Why won't he just say?

"Pablo por favor" she begs, the anxiety starting to raise in her chest as the bad thought of what could be going on flowed through her brain.
"Joder, Melissa! I said nothing is wrong! And if something were wrong I'll tell you when I want to fucking tell you. So stop begging. You don't need to know every little thing about me, so if I want to tell you, I'll tell you. So mind your fucking business!" He whispers yells at her, losing his patience.

Melissa stares at him in shock. This isn't Pablo. This isn't her Pablo.
"Amor..did I do something that bothered you? I'm just worried. I don't want you to be upset" she says softly, starting to fidget with her fingers.

Pablo runs his face with him hands. "Merida" he mutters.
"I just told you to mind your business and you keeping asking. Stay the fuck out of it" he says in the same harsh tone.
"You're my girlfriend, not my mom so stop treating me like a baby!"
"You're so annoying sometimes" without even letting Melissa say anything, Pablo unlocks the door and walks out. Making sure to slam it shut in the process causing Melissa to flinch.

Melissa sat there absolutely dumbfounded at what just happened.
She felt hurt and confused at the same time. She was also mad because of the way he just talked to her.
Melissa gets up off the bed and quickly head downstairs but stops halfway down the steps when she hears the front door slam shut.
He left.

Feeling tears starting to well up in her eyes, she walks slowly back up the stairs.
Quietly walking into Estela's room to turn on the baby monitor. Making her way back to her room and locking the door.
A few tears stream down the young moms face as she sets up the matching monitor next to the her bed.
She hates fighting with Pablo. She knew when Pablo gets upset he loses filter, says things he doesn't mean and very few times as he gotten aggressive and hits something. She was scared of Pablo when he's mad, so she figured out a way to help him.
And their way was talking everything out, telling each other everything and constantly reassuring each other.
Everything was perfect. He never had a problem with it.
but what if he did but was too scared to tell her because he thought she'd get mad?
Questions and assumptions flew through the girls mind as she tries to control her tears.
If only she knew it would only go more down hill from here.

A/n: 🦅

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