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"Pues que guapa" Pablo smiles as he watches his girlfriend walk over to where he is on the couch along with all his friends.
Melissa blushes as she reaches Pablo.
The boy smiles at her, reaching out for her hands and pulling her down onto the couch with him, throwing her legs over his lap and placing his arm around her shoulder.
He hands her, her glasses and she places them on her head, pushing her hair back allowing Pablo to see all her features.
After a few more minutes the group left the house and started making their way to where the concert will be.

Aurora and Melissa hooked arms with eachother as they walk to the entrance, the boys behind them.
They both sing along to a random song that they can hear playing from the outside.
"I'm so excited" Melissa says.
This was the girls first ever concert and she was happy to experience it with her friends and boyfriend.
Her parents used to say she was too young to go to them, then she fell pregnant with Estela.

Making it inside, they head to their spots in the VIP section before Aurora, Javi and some guys left to get everyone drinks. Only leaving Melissa, Pablo and Fermin.
Melissa grips onto Pablo's bicep, softly humming to the music as they wait for Quevedo to come on. Minding her own business as she waits.
Pablo and Fermin lean against the wooden barricade behind them as they talked about something Fermin just found out.
"She's here" the blonde tells him.
"Who?" Pablo asks moving his eyes from his girlfriend to his best friend next to him.

The brunette freezes at the name of the girl.  "Good for her" he mutters.
Fermin rolls his eyes then glances at Melissa who seemed to be in her own world.
He leans in closer to Pablo. "Have you told her?" He whispers.
Pablo whips his head to Fermin. "Shut up" he mutters.
Fermin pushes his lips together and shakes his head at his friend.
The brunette throws his friend a glare before turning his full attention to his friend. His straight face being replaced with a wide smile as he pulls her away from his arm and moving her so she was resting her back against her front, while his arms hung from her shoulders.

Soon the group of friends come back, handing everyone a drink.
Melissa smiles as Aurora hands her a cup of beer, only for his get taken out of her hands gently. "She doesn't drink" Pablo tells his sister before taking a sip of his beer.
The sister face falls. "Why didn't you say anything, now she won't have anything to drink" she tells her brother.
Melissa shakes her head. "No, no it's okay, I don't drink because I'm usually with Stel. But she not here so" she says taking back her drink from her boyfriend then taking a drink. Oh that's horrible.
The girl scrunches her face at the taste, causing Pablo and a few another's to chuckle if they saw it.
Aurora smiles at the girl before walking away to find her boyfriend.
"That was nasty" Melissa mumbles to Pablo causing his to smile at her, showing off the small dimples he has. "I can go get you a soda if you'd like?"
Melissa shakes her head but smiles gratefully at him.


Melissa and Aurora laugh as they scream to the lyrics. Both girl visibly drunk.
Around an hour or two has past, around 4 cups of beer, the sun was starting to set and the party felt like it was just starting to get good and both girls were already having the time of their lives.

Melissa giggles as Aurora spins her, stumbling a bit when she comes to a stop.

Her laughter dies down as she felt her throat start to get really dry. "I'll be back, going to get a drink" she slurs before walking away and not telling anybody.
She makes it to the small stands pulling out some money then asking for a bottled coke.
After paying, she wait patiently for the to give it to her when she felt a tap on her shoulder:
She turns around to see a long straight hairs brunette girl, tan and light freckles scattered along her cheer. She was slightly taller then Melissa but not by much, she had perfect eyes and lips. She was pretty.
"Hi, sorry..I just came to tell you that I'm a fan, I think you're an amazing model" the girl tells her.
Melissa blushes reaching over to grab the coke from the man's hand before turning back to the girl.
"Thank you, i really appreciate that" she beams.
"Wants you name?" The blue eyes girl asks, walking out of the way.
"It's nice to meet you Ana"


Pablo bobs his head to the music as he looks around. What Fermin has said set him on edge and he can't stop looking around for her.
He can't risk her getting near him or Melissa.
He looks down, taking a sip of the soda Javi brought him just moments ago. His eyes divert to where Melissa last was with his sister. Only to see Aurora now dancing with her boyfriend. Pablo pushes his sunglasses up and scans the area where everyone was, not seeing a single sign of his drunk girlfriend.
"Rory! Where Melissa?" Pablo asks as he walks up to his sister.
She doesn't say anything but points up to where the drinks were.
Without saying anything, Pablo quickly makes his way to the stands.
Almost instantly he spots his girlfriend leaning against something as she talked to someone.
Walking your behind her pressing a gentle hand against her low back, he freezes as he seems who she's talking too.
Melissa looks back at the feeling of a hand, a wide smile appearing on her lips. "Amor! Ana this is my boyfriend Pablo, Pablo this is Ana" Melissa smiles.
Ana smiles and waves at the boy. Pablo on the other hand weakly smiles at her.
"My sister is looking for you, she wants to dance" Pablo lies.
Melissa nods at him then turns back to the girl.
"Well I have to go, but thank you and it was lovely talking to you" the Perez girl says honestly.
"Same too you, thank you" the other girl replies. Waving as the blue eyed girl walks away. Pablo whispering that he'd meet up with her in a second.
His eyes watch as she got far enough then turns to the smirking girl in front of him. "Que mona es tu novia, Pablo" Ana comments.
Pablo's face goes stone. "What are you doing, Ana? Stay away from her, okay? Nothing is going to happen between us. So stay away." he warns, the walks away to catch his girlfriend not letting Ana reply but is able to hear her scoff.
As he reaches Melissa he wraps an arm around her waist.
"She was sweet" Melissa tells him.
"Was she? That's good, Amor" he fake smiles.

A/n: 💀

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