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Few hours later

Melissa cried slightly as Pablo walks her to the car.
"Call us." Pablo looks back and nods at his sister and Javi who stood at his door.
Carefully, he gets his girlfriend sat and ready before he heads to the other side and starts making his way to the hospital. Her dad and his parents were going to meet them there
"Duele." Melissa cries, gripping onto the seat.
Pablo reaches over and grasps the girls hand in his, giving it a slight squeeze.
"I know, amor." He whispers. It was currently 2 am so the streets weren't super busy.
Quickly as possible, Pablo makes it to the hospital and helps Melissa inside.


Melissa lays in the hospital bed quietly as she watches a show on the TV.
It had been another hour or so and she had asked for epidural.
Pablo on the other hand had fallen asleep on the chair next to her.
Melissa shifts on the bed uncomfortably as she can still feel pressure on her stomach.
The doctor had came in just a few moments ago to break her water.
She had a long time ahead of her according to the doctor.
"Pablo." She says.
Pablo opens his eyes and he stares up at his girlfriend with tired eyes.
"Estas bien?" He asks, quickly sitting up once he remembers where he was.
She shakes her head and her lips starts to tremble.
Pablo rushes to her and pulls her into his arms as she starts to cry.
"Te duele? Do you want me to get the doctor?" He asks holding her.
Melissa is going to be completely honest, she's not sure why she's crying, she does know that she in labor and her hormones are going crazy though, so that reason is good enough.
"No." She chokes out. Pablo rest his chin on the top of her head as he rubs her back, whispering small things to help her calm down.
He places tiny kisses her head.
"It's okay." He whispers softly. The young mom finally starts to calm down but she keeps her head buried in Pablo chest.
Pablo pushes her head back gently and he holds her face in his hands. He smiles softly as he stares at the blue eyed girl in front of him. His to be wife. The love of his life. The mother of his child...children.
"Yo te amo tanto. And I know you're scared right now but you'll do amazing, you're amazing, mi vida. I'll be right here, I'll be right here for you, I promise." His words probably only made her even more emotional.
Melissa reaches up and wipes her tears as they start to fall again.
"Te amo." She cries.
"Eres el mejor, Pablo y nunca vas a poder entender cuanto te amo. Te amo mucho." She kept crying.
The boy only pulls her back into his arms and lets her get all her emotions out.
"I hate hormones! Why does everything make me cry." She cries into his chest.
He chuckles slightly at her words.


"Joder." Melissa groans as a cramp hits her.
After a long long wait. The time was finally coming and she was finally ready to push.
Pablo stood nervously next to her, holding her and telling her sweet things as the doctor and nurses get prepared.
"Ready? When you feel a contraction you're going to push." The doctor says getting settled.
Melissa nods at him but keeps her eyes closed because of the pain.
Feeling a contraction the girl pushes. Letting out a small cry at the pain she was feeling.
"Good job." The doctor says.

Pablo squeezes her hand but he felt as if everything around him was in slow motion as he watched it unfold. Last time he was in this position he was a scared 16 year old and here he is again, a scared 19 year old.

After a couple more pushes Melissa shakes her head. "No I can't." She cried looking up at Pablo.
"You're so close, mi vida. Our baby is almost here. You're doing so good." He tells her, kissing her hand.
Melissa cries but she keeps pushing. She felt like her body was on fire. "I can't!" She cries.
"The baby is almost here. Just one more push." The doctor encourages.
"Just one more, amor." Pablo whispers.
So she did. She lets out a gasp once she feels the sudden relief of the pain stopping and the beautiful cries of her baby.
She feels Pablo's lips press against her forehead.
"It's a boy!" The doctor cheers before holding out the shears to Pablo.
"Would you like the honor?" She asks.
Pablo nods and he wipes her tears away from his eyes and he quickly cuts the umbilical cord before they place the baby onto Melissa chest.
"Oh my god." Melissa cries quietly as she stares down her baby boy in her arms.
He was perfect.
She looks up at Pablo who stared down at the baby with nothing but pure love and tears in his eyes
"Es prefecto." His voice cracks. Melissa lets out a weak chuckle and she nods.
The nurse walks over to the young parents before carefully taking the baby from the mom's arms to get him cleaned up and checked out.
"Are you okay? You did amazing." Pablo tells her.

Melissa wipes her tears and reaches her arms out to pull him into a hug. "Thank you." She whispers to him.
"I didn't do anything." He says, holding her.
She shakes her head at him.
"I have everything to thank you for. You made me a mom, and you're the best person ever and I could go on for hours on why I'm thanking you." She whispers.
"Thank you too." He responds, holding her close.
Melissa chuckles and kisses him cheek just as the nurse brings back the baby boy wrapped up in a blue blanket.

"Pablo hold him." Melissa says pulling away from his arms.
Pablo stares at the small baby in the nurses arms and carefully takes him into his own.
He cradles the baby, as he sits down on the bed and leans his arms slightly so Melissa could see him.
"Hola." Pablo whispers happily, touching his tiny cheek.
"I'm your papi." His voice starts to crack again as he talks to the baby.
"He's so tiny." He says, a few tears starting to roll down his face again.
Melissa smiles softy as she leans her head against his arm and stares down her baby in his arms.
"Your sisters is so excited to meet you." He continues.
"This is mami." He says leaning him more towards the girl.
"Oh gosh I never want to let him go." He says.

Melissa chuckles. "You said the same thing with Estela." She tells him.
He smiles widely, still staring down at his newborn son.
"They're both so perfect."


Pablo carries Estela through the hospital halls as they make their way to Melissa's room.
It had been a few hour later and Melissa was now a little more rested and she was ready for visitors.
Pablo had headed down to the lobby to go get his daughter and family members.
"We have to be quiet." Pablo tells his daughter.
She nods, a wide smile on her face. Pablo kisses her cheek. He can tell she was very excited.
Opening the hospital room door, Pablo leads Estela into the bathroom first to quickly wash her hands.
"Wash your hands." He whips his head around at his family and father In law as he dried his baby girls hands before picking her up again.

Melissa smiles as she sees Estela get set down to the floor by her dad.
She held the baby in her arms. "Hola amor." Melissa says to her daughter.
Estela stands at her dad's legs, too shy to walk over because of the new baby.
Pablo gently moves her forward so the girl takes it as he sign to rush to her mother's side.
Pablo picks her up again as he sits down on the bed and sets her on his lap.
"Baby." Estela giggles, leaning into to look at the newborn.
"You're a big sister now." Melissa smiles at her and all the little girl and do is giggle.
"Do you like him?" Pablo asks his daughter.
Estela nods. "I love him." She says. Causing multiple aw's from everyone in the room.

"What's his name?" Aurora asks quietly from her spot.
Melissa and Pablo make eye contact before looking back at their family.

"Marco Martin Páez Pérez"

But guys. This is the last chapter. I'm so sad but I so happy. I love this story so much and it makes me beyond happy that you guys loved it.
Thank you all so much!!!!

dw. I'll make 2-3 bonus chapters.
Comment what you would want to see 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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